Trading post currency when at max capacity

What happens when you earn more tenders when already at max? Are they simply wasted?

500 for logging in and the bonus 500 for buying Dragonflight puts you at cap before doing the introduction quest or 100% completion for the month. I believe you earn small amounts at certain %s along the way too.

Make sure to be spending your tenders before completing quests that reward tenders if you are at or near the cap. Maximize your currency!


Is that how it works? Was that confirmed somewhere and I missed it?

I logged in, was awarded 1000 right away, then did the intro quest, opened the box and did the first milestone of the journal and still have 1000.

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Wow is this for real? I wondered what the hell happened. I logged in and went there and got a reward for 1000. I thought cool I’ll see what else is going on, did the quest and got 500 but still only had 1000. What the hell kind of design is this?


You collect the additional 500 from the chest. The quest itself doesn’t reward them.


You can’t have a max on chicken tenders, my friend.


There’s no cap, I have 1600 already.


Put the extra tendies in your pocket.

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This is the reason I made the post. I clicked the chest and got 500. I panicked thinking why did I get yet another 500 and went beyond cap.

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I see, I thought your concern was about not getting the 500 from the quest. As others have pointed out though, there isn’t a cap. Unspent ones roll over month to month.

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No cap.


All tender you collect from the chest. It’s not just automatically rewarded to you after you complete quests and activities.

Thank you. I could not find a clear official answer on it. I only remember reading something about a 1k cap when the trading post was announced.

As a precaution I figured it might be safe to spend before reaching cap if you are going to be earning more and putting you over the cap

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Looking at the journal I think that 1k is for adventure points. You max 1k points and get 500 tender for it. :thinking:

Looks like 100 tender and a mount actually.


Even better! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I can’t even complete the quest . . . then again the trading post on Moon Guard is currently surrounded by trolls using large mounts, AOE toys, and other such things to induce as much lag as humanly possible.


I had 1100 at some point during the process … but I think this was before I turned in the quest? I bought 500 worth of stuff and ended up with 600, so you can go above 1000 at least for short periods.

That’s where I’m at 1600.

What step are you stuck on ?

the part where I collect 500 tender, already bought the ogre child so maybe its a glitch in the system or something.