The upcoming gear mogs are so good looking especially caster ones.
Shadow priest would look great with the staff with the void energy coming out of it.
The mage staff would look great on any of the three spec since now that all three spec has access to the three elements.
Druid staff is great for all of their spec and praise elune.
Warlock staff is just good looking with that skull design.
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I’m fasciated by how you make threads that could be replies to threads on the front page.
Why are your type of people always judge others of how they post things on these forums?
Shame that they are unfinished.
I am just enjoying a pastrami burger. Having a good time. 
Well the armors aren’t but look at the weapons they are.
Because your post fits perfectly well here:
But I guess you couldn’t be sure players would read your post if it was #262, but if it’s #1, then certainly players will see it and spur much discussion. Anyway, to play along, 3 random pieces of gear xmog that didn’t fit into anything else are not what I would call extra special, and probably an insta-regret purchase for most players when October’s preview is revealed.
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In a single thread comment I can’t get my words out and express how I feel about them. But sure, come and judge on how I do things on this forums.
No, but in multiple comments in that thread you could, just like it’s been multiple comments in this thread already. You didn’t get everything encapsulated in your opening statement.
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those druid staves look nice!

I’m fascinated as to why we need a bunch of these types of threads from the OP consistently. And you’re right: every single one seems to be something controversial that could have just been a reply.
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weapons look so good priest one has void finally a voidy staff for my shadow priest
Agreed and amen to that. I’ve been waiting for a proper void weapon especially a staff.
I do it every day but usually that message is… Wait what is my message
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But druid only. So I won’t bother. It’s why I won’t buy any of this stuff. Class tier is fine, but I don’t want the rest of my transmog restricted.
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I already have my savage weapon for my Mag’har. They are nice, but not for me.