Trading Post Activity - /chicken at a Guard while Disguised as a Thistleleaf

I’m not sure if this is a bug or the activity has not been worded correctly.

Activity is under “Special”

/chicken at a Guard while Disguised as a Thistleleaf

Emote /chicken at a Stormwind City Guard or Orgrimmar Grunt while under the effects of the Thistleleaf Branch.

  • 0/0 Emote /chicken
    Rewards 100 Travel Points.

I attempted it on an Alliance Character in Stormwind to no avail, just now logged over to a Horde Character and used the toy and the emote and I got credit for the Traveler’s Log.

So is it bugged for just Alliance Characters? Is it supposed to say AND rather than OR? But it does now say 1/1 emotes completed, so I was under the assumption you only needed to do it once.

It worked fine for me in Orgrimmar on a Horde toon interacting with one of the guard Orcs (the one standing next to the mailbox by the main bank, in fact). I did it pretty much as soon as I walked away from the Trading Post after picking up my initial allotment of Tenders, which was the first moment I looked at the month’s activities.

I’m not sure what’s happening in your case.

As I said:

There might be a bug about recognizing Stormwind guards, which would suck if you don’t have any Horde toons.

Or it could be something specific to your character. Since at this point we don’t have a report of an Alliance character scoring this achievement, it’s impossible to know.

Which is why I put in Bug Reports, there should be no reason why my Alliance character cannot complete this particular activity. Obviously I cannot try other characters now, as it is one time and done.
If it is bugged for Alliance characters, perhaps someone can look into it incase there are players that do only play one side because the activity does state Alliance OR Horde.

Worked for me on my (Alliance) main. :man_shrugging:

This also worked for me as Alliance in Stormwind. I used one of the guards outside the northeast entrance to Cathedral Square. It’s possible certain “Stormwind City Guard” NPCs are a different NPC ID and Blizzard neglected to add multiple possible targets with the same name that satisfy the criteria.

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I tried the guard near AH in trade district ones that lead to the main exit out. This makes sense. It was also a Stormwind City Guard, I made sure of that.

Make sure you are targeting an NPC that actually has the word “Guard” in the name. Not just one that looks like a Guard. I did not work for me in Stormwind until I targeted an “actual” guard. Then it worked.

Like this?

The exact Guard I targeted in Stormwind. Named the exact same as the activity asked for?
