Well people. Now this proves that World of Warcraft is becoming a mobile game on pc. I guess Bliz hopes that there are enough Whales that will throw their real world money at this idiocy. Gone are the Wow days that people would earn through in-game effort the things they wanted. That is the purpose of an rpg game. The player does quests and missions and tons of fighting in- game to achieve success. They earn rewards that way. Now the game has devolved to the point that those players that have plenty of real world money can afford to spend it on virtual digital goods. While those that don’t have a lot of money to throw at a game can’t.
It use to be when we bought a game either on pc or console. We received the complete game experience. Now the game makers exploit the cash shop. Denying players game content unless they fork-over real world cash. How sad.
It’s a mount. It’s not content.
Buy it.
Don’t buy it.
Those are your choices.
If this were a true gatcha game we’d be spending money on loot boxes that contained anime waifus.
Then 6 months later they’d introduce new versions of the same characters that wear 20% less clothing.
You’re literally a Kul Tiran. You came out during an expansion with a mount 4-5x the price of this one.
I could buy a decent box of 40k minis for that.
no way, I know mobile gacha games that are better and cheaper
This made me laugh A LOT!
there’s secret anime girls in the mailbox
Yeah, well. The way Bliz is going I wouldn’t be surprised if blizzard introduces a new race of waifus bunny girls and cat girls with bikinis. Only obtainable threw the cash shop priced at $100.00 each.
Let me guess, when you were a kid you walked to school and back, up hill in both directions, through snow in summer and in winter.
Kids these days, I tell yeh.
What they should do is go full on BioWare style romance with NPCs for us.
Then sell cosmetic skins for those characters for us to put them in.
I should probably stop giving them ideas.
It’s literally a QoL, non-content option added to give folks who missed out on the Longboi a chance to have the same QoL.
There is no lootbox or RNG mechanic involved. It won’t affect your ability to do game content with or without it. You either want it and buy it using IRL cash or in-game standard currency (costs 6 WoW tokens), or you don’t want it and don’t buy it.
Getting it or not won’t affect your ability to do normal in-game content at all outside of a single minor QoL aspect. Folks calling this anything even remotely close to a gacha thing clearly don’t actually understand what that type of model really is.
a whale is a little richer than $90.
All I’m really saying is let players earn rewards and digital in-game things just by earning them though normal game-play.
Yeah. Some whales will spend thousands of irl dollars on mobile games. Bliz sees that and wants their cut of the market. Regardless of the impact it has on the players.
PS: Just a thought; If this game monetization exploitation continues to increase in the gaming industry, how far will it get? Will Bliz introduce loot-boxes next?
Again, if you’re broke just say so. Them selling this mount is such a non issue its laughable. It doesn’t affect you in any way.