Trader's Tender, Spending Real Money, and the Monthly Cap

Well thank God you’re here to save us lol

Such a hero.

Please keep your religious beliefs to yourself. Not everyone worships your diety.


You sure? I think you do. You also get mad at streamers and attack their immutable characteristics frequently.

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Yes it is. Ion specifically said it would be a part of a bundle. How dare he say something so bold.

There’s nothing wrong with people spending real money as long as it’s for cosmetics that are also available through gameplay. More options are better.

Because it’s the only way you can exceed the monthly cap.

There is an artificial scarcity element at play due to the nature of items being available at the trading post for a limited time. This is heightened due to the limited amount of currency you can obtain to ‘purchase’ things from the trading post. You literally can’t earn enough to pick up everything. You can only pick one thing to carry over to the next month, and there’s a decent chance if you like transmogs that carrying over that item just exacerbates the scarcity feel next month rather than does you any favors.

Bundles with tender are specifically designed to exploit that manufactured scarcity to entice purchase. This has the potential to be particularly effective against certain types of players that would have otherwise overlooked shop purchases. It’s 100% emotional manipulation, moreso than any of the typical capitalist practices at play in WoW; one that I feel crosses the line into predatory. This is seeing players as stones to try to squeeze more money from rather than ‘loyal customers’.

Furthermore, it devalues players that pay a subscription fee and simply ‘play the game’ - the behavior the trading post was initially advertised to reward. This point isn’t an ethical concern per se, but better categorized as disrespectful. Someone that has the discretionary spend to buy from the shop will simply be able to get more things from the trading post than the person ‘just playing the game’, which communicates that your money is more valued than you (which we all should understand is factually the case, but as human beings we all want to be treated like it’s not).

I’m not claiming any lying has happened at any point, so that’s not really an accurate response to this question. See above.


I disagree. Please read what I just posted and see if you still disagree with me.

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Yup, still disagree.

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There is no cap on how much Tender you can have total.

Just how much you can earn from the adventurer’s log.

Considering that Blizzard gave people who purchased Dragonflight 500 tenders when the Trading Post launched and we were still able to get the 500 from the chest at the start of the month AND earn 500 from the adventurer’s log. This has already been put to bed. You’ve got nothing to worry about.

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I can already see it next month…

Buy bundle A $5 with 200 extra Tenders…

Buy bundle B $10 with 400 extra Tenders…


Or buy one of the many other cosmetics in the shop.

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