Trader's Outpost Trader's Tender (Let's get multiple tiers going)

Ok, I’m not sure if anyone has suggested this, but I really think it’s worth looking into.

Right now I can complete all the tasks required to obtain my Trader’s Outpost loot within a few days of playing. Then what??? I don’t earn more Trader’s Tender with more tasks completed… unlike the vault system, where I can get better gear the more I do.

So, why not have a tier system for the Trader’s Outpost? The more you do, the more you earn and at the end of each tier you earn a bigger reward.

I absolutely love the Trader’s Outpost and checking off my tasks, but I would like to see more.

There’s so much good loot, I feel like I’m going to miss out because it may or may not come back.


The reason why this isn’t the case is because blizzard doesn’t want the Trading Post to be something you feel “forced” to farm in order to get everything.

You’re not meant to get everything. It’s the carrot on the stick we’ll be forever chasing, as is the intention of the TP.


You can only get 8/8 in the vault , the same as TP its 1000 / sometimes 1500 , and you dont get any better gear from vault its only more chances

Really? We farm so much in this game…I can’t believe this would discourage others to do the same for TP. I play on several toons and hit milestone after milestone naturally with world quests, pet battles, TW, and running old content for mounts that I’m missing. It would be nice to continue with earning tender.

You can do plunderstorm and get like 750 tender

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Trust me…I did. :wink:

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It’s designed to be casual so that you don’t have to spend a ton of time grinding to max things out. You’re supposed to be able to complete the monthly goal by doing whatever it is that you do normally and not having to go out of your way.

It’s just a bonus for doing what you would be doing in the first place.


It’s pretty casual, but why not reward those who do more? I knock out these goals just by doing my daily grinds. Like I said… usually in three days.

I’m just thinking that an incentive would get players to explore different goals… like PVP and world events.

It’s just a thought.

That’s the point though. If you play the game a bit, you’ll earn all that you can.

Otherwise you’re going to make people feel like they’re forced to cheese tasks that people wouldn’t normally do like maxing out the crafting order one by sending useless orders from alts, etc.

Basically they don’t want you to have to go out of your way to complete the monthly goal. It’s casual and easily obtainable.


No offense, but you’re sorta talking in circles.

The mechanism for grinding is embedded in the game already.

Why not reward players who go above and beyond?

I’m going to go out on a limb here by saying this, but most of the players like collecting. Blizzard wouldn’t have opened gray item appearances if the players didn’t want them. Limiting the amount of tender one account can get sorta defeats the purpose of collecting. I’ve missed out on mounts because I could only afford one.

It feels counter intuitive to not tier because you want to keep it casual. Collectors are anything, but casual players. We grind and we know things.

You’re working under the assumption that the Trading Post is for collectors, it’s not.

The Trading Post is for everyone, and Blizzard doesn’t want it to be a grind. There’s a monthly cap on how many tenders you can earn so nobody feels like they’re forced to do every activity each month to get every item available.

It’s a feature with a limited currency in order to keep you coming back each month. You’re supposed to pick and choose which items you buy each month and not have it all.

There’s an argument to be made for increasing the cap, absolutely. But completely uncapping it just turns it into what most people don’t want: Another never ending grind to get everything.

I’m not asking for unlimited supply of tender, just tiered so if I hit milestones…I can continue earning tender.

If upping the cap is a thought… it’s definitely a good one.

You still only have the choice of one piece of gear from the Vault, no matter how many slots you fill.

The entire point of a Tender cap and easily earned is to limit your spending because stuff comes back around and they don’t want people to feel forced to continue past something easy and chill.


Still not what Blizzard wants. They want us coming back each month, and they don’t want players to feel forced to do activities they normally wouldn’t do in order to get simple cosmetics.

The moment you add tiers is the moment people start to feel like they’re forced to do content they don’t want to do in order to keep up and not fall behind.

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