Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

huh…yeah. I might have done something wrong in quoting those.
This forum software is the one of the absolute WORST piece of crap packages Ive ever seen. No clue why they chose this garbage.
Its almost like they went with the lowest bid or something instead of going for quality, lol

oh, I see…sorry. I definitely need to get more sleep here, lol

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So Im having a VERY hard time taking that particular line of thinking seriously.
IF they want to ‘earn’ it in game, they can farm the gold…‘earned’. lol.

Good morning Liolang. did you get any sleep at all?

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barely, lol.
Ever since I got covid the first time around in 2020 Ive had this long haul crap that keeps coming back that wakes me up about 10 times a night, lol.

Sorry to hear that you got covid, it has long lasting effects. But I hope those clear up for you soon, and that you feel better.

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well, thank you friend. Nice that we have so many great people in this community.
Hope all is well with you

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The mount is $120 AUD. I could buy Space Marine 2 for $90, have alot more and still have saved $30. Now that said, the mount could have been $20 AUD and still wouldn’t buy, purely because the mount has nothing of value to me. But to the $120 price tag is just insulting.

I’m doing well, just struggling through life like the rest of the human race, lol

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I would love to buy Space Marine 2, But I don’t have a ps5 and my potato of a pc can’t handle it. lol.

Meh I spend more just taking the fam to the movies. Its no joke how much you spend just going to the movies now days. Tickets+ concession? Its a bunch of small transactions that add up FAST. Dont believe me? add up your receipts next time

But honestly If I didnt buy the mount Id spend the money on something equally as silly. So I said Yolo and Bought the sucker. Besides I use to use my MOL-E all the time as an eng now with the mount I dont have to

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ok. let me reword it. define content.

TLDL version “Boo Hoo me poor, me rage cuz me poor, no Bruto for my lazy no working poor butt whaa whaa” go get a job if the price if a mount triggers you so much.

It’s a mount.

Buy it or don’t.

Try to change the meaning of words if you want.

The mount is there if you want it.

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WoW is the opposite, they hooked us with Waifus early on and have been putting them in more clothing over time.

I was just clarifying the definition with:

Of course the mount is game content.

Game content is everything that makes up the game. Characters, items, animals, loot, weapons, npcs, writing, art work, etc. If it is something in a game, that is considered game content. The term “game content,” Is anything and everything in a game.

Analogy: The term; the contents of a house; means every thing contained in a house; furniture, appliances, rugs, draperies, toys, toothpaste, cutlery, dishes, food, etc. If it is something in a house. It is the house’s content.

Same goes for games. The game engine is the house itself. the game content is everything inside the game engine.

News flash – This started with the token and honestly it was happening before that with 3rd party gold sites. This mount is not the beginning it is on the journey that started a long long ago.

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I think the OP is focusing in on the growing monetization that Bliz has, as you say embarked on. The Wow Token was indeed a solution to the Gold sellers, it shut them down completely. Once Bliz realized they could reap irl money with these monetization schemes they continue to test the financial waters to see how far they can exploit it.

My take is the Op wants this type of practice to stop. And for Bliz to be fair about what they are doing. Fair market practices.

Well that really was going to be my point – The monetization train left the station the moment the token was intro’d and anyone w/a shred of common sense knows that it would only progressively get worse.

Now that Moneysoft has purchased Blizzard you can 100% bet (in the future) prices will increase on both xpacs, mounts, pets, services and monthly sub.

Not so fast. Bliz has legal obligations to it’s customers:
Customer expectations represent the set of criteria that customers use to evaluate and judge their interactions with a business. These criteria encompass various dimensions: product performance, service reliability, ease of use, value for money, and emotional connection and delivery of goods including digital goods.

In this case, the company and customers have committed to the purchase of the original game and expansions. And a monthly subscription rate. The customers (the Wow players) have the express expectations that the provider (Bliz) will supply said digital goods for the agreed on price.

Bliz is trying to operate outside of that contract by trying to sell digital goods to the customer at a premium outside of the parameters of the original contract.