Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

Says…who? You? Why?

You can farm gold, purchase tokens with the gold; and then purchase the mount with blizzard balance friend.

It’s been mentioned before, and I’ll mention it again.

If money is an issue for you, that sucks. I hate it for you. Truly. However, if you’re having money problems for literally any reason and you purchase this mount…well. I guess it makes sense that you have money problems.

Source for this claim please. I’m not accepting “trust me bro” either.

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When inflation increases, and minimum wage doesn’t, the people lose purchasing power. For example, if 10 years ago your wage was 7.25 and the price of milk was 2.00$, you could buy ~3 gallons of milk. Then as time progresses the price of milk jumps up to 4 dollars a gallon and your wage remains stagnant (meaning it remained 7.25), you can only purchase 1 gallon of milk. Literally the issue crippling America as we speak because labor costs eats into profit margins. You can find a plethora of cases of wage/time theft that happen in current times which supports this further. Can you prove otherwise? Doubt it

And who are you to claim the inverse? You aren’t the CEO of wow, nor anyone important either. Shocker

This only works if enough people spend real money to buy the tokens in the first place, unlike the OG brutasaur which had an in-game vendor, where you could just farm gold to get the mount. Sure, many people did swipe to get it, but several people used WoD slush funds to acquire this mount, and they didn’t have to rely on others spending real money to acquire the mount. But pop off QUEEEEEN

And if you could read, I do have the mount. It’s not an issue of money as much as player power. Sure, it’s a small bump, but state there is NO benefit to have an AH mount is blatant lying. Time spent in load screens porting to the AH then flying back to the content you were looking to do is time you could be spending elsewhere, which means over time you can fit more M+ runs or raids in than someone without. More runs of M+ dungeons means you have more chances at loot. It’s a simple concept.

Wouldn’t care as much if they just made a toy with a CD like they did for transmogs, but again, I’m not the CEO or shareholder. However, I’m free to voice my opinion on this matter and disagree vehemently with your takes, as long as I stay within TOS!

Explain to me why I should care at all about the faux economics lesson from a random forum poster?

I’ll give you the easiest economics in the world.

If you can’t afford the mount, don’t buy it. Period. The end.

I didn’t make a claim. You made some ridiculous, spurious qualifier that there should be an equitable wtfever. Why? Because you say so?

Period. End of story. You don’t have to provide qualifiers or addendums. The current mount is purchasable via blizzard balance. Full stop.

I’m not sure what you think you accomplished here, but thanks for trying?

I can read and this statement is stupid. It’s as stupid a statement as you could possibly make. Your stupidity is offensive, in fact. You’re typing all of this ridiculous, stupid word salad when the reality is this.

Buy the mount


Don’t buy the mount

The end

Your stupid opinion, enveloped in your stupid attempts at stupid insults.

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Feel free to do some research on the topic, but if you want information from me, you will need to compensate me for my time! You do realize USD is a fiat currency anyways, we havent been on the gold standard since nixon.

You did make claims, several in fact. But ok. I do see you trying to circumvent TOS with improper grammer, so that’s not a good thing on your end.

If the supply of something becomes 0 you cant buy it period. Full stop

You being unwilling to self-educate is the primary reason here.

I also denoted i dont matter either, because im aware that im just a number to Blizzard. Calling someone a queen isnt derogatory, and in fact many do it all the time! And talk about directly insulting a person as well.


Directly violates the TOS!

I did buy the mount, because I see value in the player power I gain. I’m free to speak my mind though on scummy business practices, but I have money to burn. I just know most of America doesn’t, and enabling addiction is never good. You don’t show up to an AA meeting with alcohol and wave it around the face of recovering alcoholics for example, you face real life consequences for doing so.

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Well if you have been in game long enough and worked to make gold you can get this new Long Boi for about 1.7 million gold now…WoW tokens have crashed from high of 351,000 or so down too 216,000 about a hour or so ago…glad I waited a bit to snag the cheaper tokens at cheaper gold price…so really no inflation working against you if you can make the gold…

Not sure if anyone shares my opinion but I do believe this was positioned as a gold sink. I mean you can buy wow tokens to get this mount. It will set you back about 1.4 million gold, but you can do it and not spend a dime of real money.

Now do I think this was a bad idea to do during the anniversary? Absolutely!! I mean why wouldn’t a company give something to players for free that have been playing this game for many years? I am not saying that mount, but it would have been nice to have had our support of WoW recognized after all these years. Without many of us this game might not have lasted as long as it has.

Still a single mount worth more than 1.5X as much as a triple a game. Someone got greedy and this isn’t a good business practice in my opinion. I definitely never want to see something like this again. That is for sure.

The issues here is how gold farmers for this mount are 100% reliant on other people purchasing tokens in the first place. For 1 gold farmer to get the mount another person spent 120$ before tax to get the new longboi. Plus, the gold doesn’t actually get removed from the economy, it just shifts hands from the gold farmer to the token buyer.

The one in BFA was possible to acquire without relying on others to purchase tokens for you and was a true gold sink. The gold for OG longboi went to the NPC vendor as opposed to other players.

And yeah, I agree on the scummy practice. The fact a mount model is costing more than the game and 2 months of sub time is kinda crazy to me too. I caved though, as I’m often having to port to AH’s and wasting the time of my guildies due to weird load times and dc’s so I wanted to reduce the impact I make on them.

Only cost me 1.6 Million gold to buy the New Long Boi and the New Charity Battle Pet Reven…price of tokens crashed from 351,000 or so too last time about hour I looked 216,000 or so …not a one dang penny out of my pocket did it cost me…just the gold…same gold I used to buy the First Long Boi day one of when BfA went live…first thing I did when I got to port town…

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And just thinking now all those players that went and spent 10 million gold for the Old Long Boi on the BMAH and then this pops into the game…I am betting some of them are spitting nails right now …

Gacha isn’t just a thing you don’t like. Gacha is specifically loot boxes. It’s not like you needed to do 90 pulls for 1 dollar a pop to have a .05% chance to get the brutosaur, you just buy it. Gacha is gambling, not additional transactions.


outlaw football.

thank you for the explanation.
i didnt know what a gacha game was

Oh for you know what’s sake.

You don’t have to spend the $90 or ton of gold if you don’t want to. I repeat you don’t have to buy this mount.

There’s countless ptw mobile games out there.

This is nowhere event near to those.

Even Diablo Immortal is more gatcha pay pay pay then this is.

L O L at people crying about store bought mounts. Jealousy at its max


I don’t believe that happened…

But it would be hilarious if it did.

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And what they don’t realize now is those store mounts and battle pets help keep our Sub rate down …its been 14.99 since 2004 now …here it is 20 yrs later 2024 and its still 14.99 a month for your sub…can’t say that about Amazon or Netflix or Hulu at all…

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So many whiny victims around here. How is a company offering something completely optional a predatory practice in any way?


Why are you so surprised? If you’re any bit knowlegeable you’d know Microsoft loves micro transactions. This is a root evil on every gaming platform; Playstation,PC, Xbox and Nintendo. Playstation amd Xbox wall their online play behind yearly subscriptions, nintendo now has online play for old system games, steam allows expansions and small minute details to add to games. They just added backyard baseball on steam, a game originally given in a cereal box as a free prize now costs 8 dollars to get. Nothing is given for free anymore. Even so, this type of mount yes, its expensive but its also more obtainable by the mass of the community. Most people couldnt dream of getting the OG mount back in BFA. Gold inflation was already high, and then they tack on a 5 million gold mount. I’ve never had more than 1.2 mill at any given time. I had to work hard just to get the Grand Expedition Yak mount during Pandaria. So yes its still expensive, but not out of reach completely.