Tradechat/Auction house SCAMMER!

I know this may be old but I haven’t seen anything posted about it and figured I would warn everyone since he admitted to it, but guys DON’T fall for the scammer who posts in tradechat wanting to buy [enter item here] for way more than what it’s posted on the AH for. For example, he said in trade "WTB [Quillward Harness] 60k, but on the AH it’s only 45k. He posts them on a different toon, then says that in trade to get you to buy it from the AH from him to make quick gold. I know a few people who didn’t think about it much and thought they was gonna make a quick profit but NO, that’s not the case. After you go buy the items on the AH and try to get him to trade, he logs and then you’re stuck with a useless item and out that much more gold. So just beware ya’ll! :slight_smile: His rogue is named Gashos but that’s not the only character I’ve seen him use. :wink:

He is creating Supply and Demand. Is it ethical? No. Is it a scam? No.

You thought that you could make 15K profit from someone else’s auction instead of pointing out to the purchaser that he could purchase his item on the AH. It didn’t work out in your favor.

If you already had the item and you gave him the item without receiving the gold then that would be a scam. Put the item back on the AH for 46K and try to recoup your loss and learn from this lesson.

EDIT- RP Bonus Points if his character was a Goblin.


While I feel sorry for people that got bamboozled, that is actually a smart and unique way to make sure your auction’s sell. Also I can only hope it is a goblin