If you could trade your car for a mount from the game, would you? And what mount would it be?
I think mine would be the Archmage’s Prismatic Disc
The disc is small enough you could probably carry it with you. And it’s a hoverboard! Who doesn’t want that?
I love my car too much. Plus it would be hard to listen to music on a mount and think about how inconvenient it would be. You want to go shopping, where do you put the bags? Is it raining out, well I guess it sucks to be you 
the blue pterrodactyl 
i think it could come in handy tbh
Nope. I live in Australia. I can’t imagine travelling 500km on any mount in the game. Maybe one of the motorbikes but I’ll take a VW.,
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Red Gladiator Proto Drake.
Drake > Car
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Because you tame and ride even larger and more dangerous animals over there. 
Much as I love my Mystic Runesaber, it’s a one person mount and terrible for doing school runs or shopping. I think the Orgrimmar Interceptor would do both well, plus be nice for cruising around the islands on a summer afternoon.
You could get a riverbeast with the little awning to keep you dry 
Plus theyre good for swimming too. It would double as a car and a boat
Ashes of A’lar with a mute button.
The recruit a friend aircraft:
Added bonus if it was an experimental category, too!
So for someone without a car, it’s a free mount? Hummm… It might be cliche but I’d choose that deathwing lookin dragon and go torment castle dwellers.
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Oh, my bad. right… uhhh, okay, this beater this shifty guy looks pretty hasty to offload… yeah, okay, there! car, now dargon. for burninating.
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Maybe the Sapphire Panther. As a jewel panther I’m assuming it doesn’t need food or upkeep and it’s pretty. Thief-proof too, sharp claws and fangs are a deterrent.
I would have gone Archmage’s Disc too, but…I’d be terrified on that thing. What do I hold on to to not fall off? Even if magic roots me on it still has to be so scary to go higher than ten feet off the ground. 
The disc would basically be like this:

Every mount is a strict downgrade from my car.
They either could not travel as fast, would require significantly more maintenance (imagine how much it’d cost to fix a GMOD that broke down) or…bugs. I’ve seen how many bugs get splattered across my car when I drive. I don’t wanna have to deal with that.
Though I could probably sell most of the mounts and get a much nicer car than I currently have,
You overestimate me. I would try that move then crash and burn a second later. 
Could always go back in time and get a do-over and try again! 
I personally don’t own my own vehicle at this time, But if I did, I would trade it for the Warlord’s Deathwheel.