Trade District Vision

I lost two visions today. Both times in the dwarven district, where it just bugged out and wouldn’t let me leave combat (aka no sanity orb).

I don’t think I’ve been this upset in a long time. I really dislike the “if you mess up you lose it” type system


Also Memento drops FAR less as a solo player. Some ppl in my guild have done less visions than me and have 3-4 more tiers down the tree

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I’m doing the same thing. Wasting one in stormwind is more than enough.

That’s why I failed no matter where I went I was stuck in combat.

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It doesn’t matter if you can’t get out of combat to use a sanity orb.


Same thing happened to me!

I can get one more key this week, I am thinking if the hotfoot one is up, I’ll use them more for mementos and then get the upgrades next week, wasted one cause the group leader did not put it was a boss only one, failed another on this toon and failed 2 on a hunter so far,

Who the frick thought up that affix anyway? it more or less punishes a group which people would like to be able to do in these.


I haven’t tried it yet but I might just unsub after reading all this. 8.3 simply isn’t fun anyway when my alts get corrupted gear from WQ.


I would have failed this if i didn’t have the resurrection talent. I might just go for a lost zone instead of doing the trade district when i’m soloing stormwind. because that was AWFUL. Being a caster i’ve never been more annoyed at stupid mechanics.

Tried twice to do the Trade District for my quest (first time doing an extra section of a Vision aside from the boss). The first time I didn’t realize I had a second mini boss to kill in there for the section to “complete” so I completed the Vision without getting my quest drop.

Second time I went in and tried to kill the second guy and died because he kept stunning and CCIng me and it took me so long to kill him I ran out of corruption (some was the affix as well I think bouncing me away). I guess next time I’ll refill via the Orb immediately before but I was too afraid of wasting it.

Two vessels totally wasted with no cloak upgrade to show for it.

So I went to my artifact researching thing to see if there was any way to reset the talents so that next time I can go in with a group and heal, and there isn’t. So now I’m stuck doing these things solo in Ret spec until I can farm a butt ton more Corrupted Mementos for the “Group quest” line of talents. I need 750 just for the first of 3. I’ll be doing this forever.

What a bad system. Just mad now. And thought maybe trying to get some Conquest to start earning that nice weapon upgrade would be nice, but hopped into the WSG Brawl that had already started to a team that didn’t know what they were doing and lost very quickly to an Ally team that did.

Logged off pissed. Thanks, Blizz.


Lol yep this got me too. I didn’t even bother trying again. So annoyed I figured I’d just come back tomorrow maybe. I’m not sold on these visions.

I didn’t even know this was a thing… :cry: I have only 4 points into my tree and I thought that was as far as you can go so far. I’m primarily a healer and farmed a set of Ret Azerite and weapon so I could solo this sh** because people kept saying you had to. I later found out you can group and plenty of people do, but no I wasted 4 points in the solo tree so better keep going.

That was bad enough, but I had no idea that grouping gave you more mementos for the talent tree.

Agreed. The fire patch that bounces you around endlessly is horrendous. And it’s unavoidable which is the worst thing. Unavoidable mechanics is lazy game design. Just about EVERYTHING should be avoidable with enough skill.


My husband and I (destro lock and spriest) managed to two man it, but it was a huge pain in the behind. He died twice and I was barely able to survive, rez him and top up our sanity.

Dwarven district was a lot easier. We did both today and Trade district was awful. Go to Kelsey and plant bombs. it’s easier.


It might be easier, but the same affix is in place and it seems some are treating these like dungeons, gogogo and pull everything.

Well when you have a Corruption meter that is slowly ticking down you have to gogogo. Have you ever done it solo and just stopped for a second? It keeps going down even when you’re doing nothing.

I wish Blizz wouldn’t make it timed but it is effectively timed. Just without a number indicator and 3 orbs to strategically use or totally waste because you didn’t predict the future.

Except unlike Mythic+, when the timer runs out it totally kicks you out and you can’t actually do the rest of the Vision. I don’t know what sort of person designed these things but they should be fired.


The bouncing fire pits. I didn’t mind, the two bosses, were actually a fun fight. Those god damn rando tentacles. Attack it, and poof. Hides away for 3.5 seconds. Fel for bid if a Dot hits them. each tick they just dig back under ground while you waste time trying to figure where it’ll spawn next since it drops from target. And if you have pet it drops aggro as well from pet.

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Worse, once the bombs explode most of the area is bombarded, then an elite with way more health that it deserves spawn, using more aoe on the ground, pluss the bombs from the detonation and the awful bouncing fire feets. The denied power debuff that reduce your damage in 10% does not help at all… and thanks to the bouncing, you can’t avoid the denied power debuf

The fire pits were not the issue, I attempted Dwarf on my hunter both time, I had a tank that was one of those “must always be moving types” we ere almost consistently in combat and unable to use orbs.

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visions were clearly designed for solo dps speedruns (preferably with selfheals and big aoe, like paladins, dhs, rogues and warriors). Everything else is complete clownfest.