Trade chat is unreadable

It’s filled with M+ and Heroic spam for gold, it almost feels like I’m playing on an asian server.

Is anything being done about this?


Did you report them for spam?

Yeah. It takes me a good 5-10 minutes to clear up TC with reports and as soon as I zone back they’re spamming again with alts.

There’s no winning unless you spend more time sanitizing your chat than actually using it.

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90% of the following posts will be did you try x. Travel out into the wilderness to solve X.


Good, then that’s all you can do. If enough people on your server feel the same way as you do and report them as well, they’re squelched and is given to a GM to review and either silence them, or overturn it.

Otherwise, no. Nothing will be done as blizz’s chat moderation is reactionary.

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Players create the problem. If there were no buyers, there would be no sellers.

Until or if Blizzard decides to stop it, report and move on, and install BadBoy or Global Ignore List and they will eventually not clutter up your chat.


Somewhere, a “social justice warrior” is triggered, and is preparing their best copy and paste race grifting diatribe.


Come to my sever where the only person in trade chat is a sweet senior citizen who updates us all on his daily life.


GIL works nicely. Good advice!

Not sure if this is a bait thread with the “aSiAn SeRvEr” commentary, whatever the heck thats supposed to mean…

But there’s addons to block somethings out of trade chat from what I am told.

pretty sure they only mention gold so people don’t report them.

i’ll bet my bunny ears that the vast majority will ask for something other than gold if you message them.


Oh? Like what? Asking for real $$$ is against TOS.

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WTS CN Aotc/CE. Come and get your achievement, group ready NOW. Also selling 10-15 keys for vault, Special deals for KSM. Gold only.


oh, well… in that case, it would never happen!


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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Trade chat journal entry #253: “I ran out of Depends today and my wife tripped on the cat. That darn brat next door called me a ‘boomer’ again. The Beverly Hillbillies is the best show ever invented.”


I stopped reading trade chat two expansions ago and haven’t regretted it. It hasn’t been a trade channel since Vanilla anyway.


We have a winner

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I think Asian girls are so freaking cute and I don’t mean this as disrespect but you wrote Asian and I think of this scene every time I read or hear “Asian”.

Other than it is a perfectly allowed transaction in trade chat?

I use an add on to remove them. Bad boy anti-spam is one.