so I am currently tracking 8 achievements. I cannot track any more because I get the message “you can only track 10 achievements” - but I am not. is there any way to find out which ones I am tracking that have been completed but are still tracked for whatever reason?
I have same issue except only tracking 3 incomplete
You should untrack achievements that you see in your objective tab, see if there are extra ones that just won’t fit so they don’t show.
objective tab? Am I missing something or is that from an addon?
Oh wait, you mean under the quest tracker…tried that… untrack the 3 I have & then it’s empty. Add them back & when I get to the 4th says I am at 10
When you track them, they show up under your quests yeah? That’s your objectives tracker (or tab). That’s how you know they’re tracked yeah? If only 3 achievements can fit in there, that’s the 3 achievements that are gonna show. If you want more to show, you may have to untrack quests. Your tracker has a limited space allotted.
You edited as I typed it. I dunno your situation then. Is it possible your other tracked achievements have a lot of criterias so even with the first 3 removed, they still won’t fit? Do you have quests being tracked currently?
Try the macro in this Reddit topic:
Tried that one, unfortunately doesnt work
Appreciate the suggestion though
There is another topic here: Achievement Tracker Bugged - #3 by Fizzlemizz-azjolnerub
I just do Y bring up the achievements, then check the box to track or not for whatever it is.
I was doing 4 the other day. Finished all but 1 now, still have 2 quest chains to complete for that one.
Well…I just went through all achivement catagories & identified the 7 achieves that had been completed however weren’t auto unflagged. So the issue is that it’s simply retaining the tracking flag on the actual achievement while removing it from the tracked objectives.
A little annoying & frustrating to go through all to identify.
Anyway, I submitted a bug repport so hopefully they will add to the list of bugs to fix. Mind you I have seen posts about this going back to 2022
that is not how tracking achievements work at all. you are completely mistaken.
that one doesn’t work for retail, from what I can see (and have experienced)
edit: Blizzard I did your work for you and found the 2 achievements: Battle on Khaz Algar and Best Stellar. Please make sure that achievements completed are removed from being tracked, even if they are not completed on the character that is tracking them
Having run into this exact issue and being annoyed at the prospect of having to manually search all the achievements to find the tracked+completed ones to reclaim their tracking slots, I have created a solution.
Until and unless Blizzard fixes this issue, I offer this addon for Retail:
Untrack Completed Achieves
Install it and forget it; it’ll just quietly do its thing, automatically cleaning up achievements left tracked after completion, every time you log into a character.
Good luck and happy hunting!