Track Beasts needs auto enabling

Can we please have Track Beasts remember it’s on/off setting when switching into cat form, just like Track Humanoids does? It’s frustrating having to either (a) remember to toggle it on every time or (b) make complex macros for cat form, prowl, and dash. Track Humanoids remembers your setting, why can’t Track Beasts remember as well?


Wait… is this a thing?

I’m pretty sure Druid cannot track beasts.

How long has this been a thing if so?

I guess I should’ve paid more attention during Legion…

This is sold by vendors in Moonglade and the Legion Druid Class Hall.

Still no fix for this I guess? Was going to report it as well, pretty annoying, like you said “Track Humanoids” will stay set but “Track Beasts” won’t, zero addons enabled, so it’s 100% Blizzard’s UI.

Has to be a bug, hunter’s don’t have this issue.