Trace route

How do I do a trace route in order to diagnose connection issues, and what do I do with it after it’s done?

Heres how to do a trace route.

Id post that in the tech support forums.

You can also open a ticket with tech support but they will ask for more info.


Blizzard has a step-by-step article here:

As for what you do with it–that depends! If Blizzard asked you to do it, you’ll want to attach it to your response to your ticket. If you’re doing it on your own, but you identify an issue (scroll down to the bottom of the article for how to identify issues) then you can do as Praetorian mentioned and post in the Tech Support Forum with further detail about what you’re running into. (Or, if the issues are further along the track, hit up your provider so they can contact the backbone provider.)


Thanks for the replies folks. Much appreciated.


This might sound dumb but I’m having troubles doing the trace route despite the assistance given on the support page. I’ve never done this before. I followed the instructions but my problem with the I.P address. I’m on the east coast but there is non shown there on the page. So I tried the west coast and central. The CMD prompt continues to say that the (insert ip address) isn’t recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. What am I doing wrong?