TP reward mount

This month reward is kind of lack luster imo, a blue crab? I know this was a way to appease ppl that wanted the red version :man_shrugging:t5: Drop some of the mounts on the TP rewards the community has been asking for, for YEARS, please. Not every month has been wack but ijs this months reward mount I cant really say I was excited or in a rush to get it. Normally i can grind out the monthly in a day. I took my time this month. Also you guys going to slap the AFMOD Mech on the TP? Ijs you constantly march it around us in Org or any other engineering inspired mount? Ironforge bi-planes from Vanilla? Or Alliance & Horde multimount seige vehicles?

Crabs are awesome!


Sorry you didn’t get the free mount just for playing the game that you wanted…


The red crab was actually the most unique mount model in the game, so getting a recolor was pretty special.

Not everything is tailored for you. Plenty of people are into the crab. Better luck next month.

The only thing that would have made it better is if it had a knife.


translation wah complain for no reason

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Who cares any mount besides invincible and ratstallion is trash anyway

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This is the correct answer…

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Right so now i hate the crab? You trolls are funny. To the other person never, said i wasnt going to get it, ill get it by way of collecting tender. Ijs I think they should use the Trading Post a little more constructively for cosmetics the community has been asking for, for years. Yeah im a horrible person lol


He is red :upside_down_face::wink::rofl:

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It’s stuff I get just for playing the game as I normally would.

It’s great, even if there are some months where I don’t care for the reward.

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I don’t think I suggested this…

Never said this either… enjoy the blue crab… better luck next month for a mount you’ve been asking for for years…

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But I like my crab…



Those generally become either Amazon Prime loot or Twitch stuff.

They won’t be making completely new stuff for the TP, only recolours and maybe maybe re-release ‘lost’ stuff.


Wow man, why is everyone coming at me like i said i hate the TP? No criticism allowed eh? Lol. Yeah its a free mount ill get, if others like it fine but again ill im saying is they have an opportunity to address cosmetics ppl have been asking for, for years. I would think they would address those first. But i guess suggesting that im a terrible person right? Lol

Tbh I agree with OP. No complaints about the crab—I am happy to have one. But there are so many older mounts with room for reskins…versus a recolor of a more recent…ish mount. idk I am happy with my crab though lol

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They should let this work with the mounts as well!


Well as far as appeasing players who didn’t have the red one from BFA…

Some of us actually had been trying in BFA and just honestly forgot about it as SL and DF came along and have barely looked back at BFA since LMAO

But seriously, if people still want the red you can still apparently get it now so to me that’s just making mountains out of mole hills

AFMOD wouldn’t surprise me seeing as every so often we see one walking around with npcs to the TP and back.

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Eh idk, a lot of the TP “fill the bar” rewards have been unique, like the Bloodhunter and Darkmoon Jester mogs.

Doesn’t mean there won’t be the occasional re-skin tossed in there though.

I meant for the mounts, I don’t think they’ve done anything new for mounts. I am totally digging the unique transmogs.

But this reminds me of the water walking bug in Pandaria. Were people also ‘outraged’ when the crimson one was released in WoD?

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