So it seems some of us would like to see more of this or more of that as a playable race. Why not transmog toys that transform us into said races (that persist through combat and death)?
Although I would like to be able to play certain races and be able to customize their features in the barbershop but I’ll settle for something like this.
That way, everyone gets a transmog toy for whatever race they prefer. Just an idea and putting it out there.
Or just free race changes, I like that idea.
This is literally never going to happen lol
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This would probably get more people to play. Mechagome.
You could get those strong racials without wearing a diaper…
Which is a reason they will never do it. Have to balance perk with a cost…in this case good racials for being ugly
Actually never say never. I can see a world where you could buy account wide “unlimited” changes for a period of time and even see it as potential bolt on to those 6 month sub offers and stuff.
It’s changing values in a database somewhere…literally fractions of a penny in terms of “effort” on Blizzard’s part. Right now it’s free money for them but if WoW keeps on this massive downward spiral, I imagine things like the above can be put on the table to help stabilize and draw people back in.
I love toys that turn me into a different race. Especially when it turns you into one from the opposite faction and you scare your friend during PvP. 
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More toys like that would be great, open up for more rp or just having some fun while questing.
They just need to increase duration to 20min to an hour, but decrease cool down to 5 to 10 min kinda of the opposite of how it is now
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I love the Sin Dorei toy that morphs into a blood elf 
As I will never go Horde, not going to lie, female B’efl paladins look wicked!
I use a lot of morph toys on my bear. My favorite one, obvious, would be toy from WoD for Claws of Shirvallah. I specifically went and farmed it out a few months ago.
I would pay big buck for this form to become perma bear form.
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It goes without saying that I’m referring to toys that would transform us into currently non-playable races.
For me personally, I’d love Venthyr, maybe even Kyrian or Val’kyrs (preferably Venthyr). For others, they’d get to transmog into whatever non-playable races they wish, like Arakkoa, Sethrakk, Ethereals, Tortollans or any of the other currently unplayable race suggestions.
And yes, I agree about said toy(s) having a longer duration and shorter cooldown.
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I dig it! However looking at the damn Long Cd on most of them. It’s Ridiculous Long.
I Just Want to Druid Bear gnome Tank it up. Having Fun? Nope GEt out! Come back in 4 hours to a day.
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