Toys that change your appearance to pandaren/worgen?

Are there any toys with 0 or rly low CD that allow you to change your appearance to one of a male pandaren or male worgen?

I rly want to play warlock again but I simply cant enjoy playing non pandaren, they are just not thicc or relatable enough, i would settle for male worgen though.

The buff duration needs to be higher than the toy’s cooldown
It should not require me having to search for people to steal their appearance, I know that toy.

you can try Reflecting Prism

got a ton of charges to keep using it over and over

Yeah i know that one, but mainly looking for something that doesnt require party members to function so I could have X appearance at all times and can apply it again if it falls off without needing party members.

The Coin of Many Faces, if you’re lucky.

But no, AFAIK there isn’t one to make you specifically a Pandaren or worgen.

Theres a timeless isle toy I believe. Turns you into one of the pandaren guards there.


yes, of course

would you happen to be jack black or post malone?

There isn’t any guaranteed Worgen toy unless you are a goblin and use orb of deception.

If there was I’d use it on cd so I could play as a Worgen monk.