Toys, no not that kind

A mastermind mentioned on a World pvp thread they would love to see a toy(possibly purchased with a world pvp currency) that would make the user Hostile to both factions(able to attack and be attacked by anyone with WM on) and unable to be in groups and automaticly removes the player from any group they are in when used. Can we have this made? Please?

I’d love to have a toy, or a toggle, that enables us to be hostile to both factions and kill whoever we want. We’ve had this in the past, with items such as Censor of Eternal Agony or Ny’leth, Sliver of N’Zoth, and we haven’t had one since.

I don’t really like the idea of forcing the player to be unable to join groups though or kicking them. That would make roles, like healers, very useless in WPvP, because the point of them is to heal others. The only person they’d be able to heal is themselves really if such a restriction were added. That would also place the player who uses the toy or toggle at a huge disadvantage because they’d be very susceptible to being outnumbered.

Say someone, a Horde, uses the item or whatever and kills a bunch of other Horde players. Horde players get upset and make a party to kill the guy. That’s now 1v5, and you’re saying the dude who’s hostile to all should just take it without the ability to receive help from others.

It should just work like the free for all zones. You’re hostile to everyone else besides your party members who also use the item or toggle.

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You don’t need a toy for this. You can ask for FFA on/off mode. So you turn this feature on, you’re on your own ungroupable and can engage any who are flagged. Blizzard may even INCENTIVIZE it too like they used to with War Mode.

Almost like Fallout 3’s Regulators and Littlehorn and Associates. One for Alliance and for Horde(because even “contracts” gets “competitive”).

You slay an Alliance, get an ear. You slay a Horde, get a finger. Turn them in for gold, rep, and other currencies?

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Like I’ve always been saying, they need to add a criminal or outlaw toggle into WPvP. Being a criminal or an outlaw makes you hostile to both factions. You become unable to use faction capital cities and are only able to use neutral capitals and towns, such as Booty Bay, Ratchet, Oribos, Valdrakken, etc.

You don’t receive an enlisted bonus for being an outlaw or criminal, but you do receive more honor for kills. When you’re bountied, receive a small amount of Conquest per kill since you have both factions coming after your bounty. Give outlaws or criminals their own hub too.

Give outlaw/criminals a daily quest for them to kill X amount of players for extra Conquest and Honor. It’d be so fun.


But Alphon, you know these things can cost raid tiers and we just can’t have that. War Mode and all WPvP should have greatly expanded in SL, to progress instead of regress, and we just might have this novel PvP mode.

War Mode has been a failure after 8.2. Sorry not sorry I said it. It doesn’t help when one faction instawins either. At least we’ll get to enjoy it all over again going into the new decade, eh?

I mean it has, but that’s mostly because they fail address major problems. The idea is great on paper but they didn’t flesh it out properly and implemented a half baked system.

Either be more vocal and start posting a lot more on the forums or just stay silent hoping they’ll address your issues that you aren’t vocalizing. :dracthyr_shrug:

Choice is yours.

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Great moments in Naz and Mech, though. I had my share. But then Corrupted gear in 8.3 just ruined(pun intended, because Ruin Gaming lol) it.

So much QQ, too much “turn WM off” which was actually the wrong answer to someone with a ganking grievance. Look where “turn WM off” got us now. It KILLED participation. So yeah, anyone who said “Turn WM off” are just as responsible as the bad, bugged systems and the lack of dev resources. That in itself was a voice louder than “Git gud”.

For all of my MMO sins, I never told anyone to turn WM off or deflag. Because existentially that removes me. “The Hunter is nothing without the Hunt.” Predators die out when there are no prey.