Toxicity while leveling through dungeons

Who pissed in their cheerios?
Who hurt them?
Where did the toxicity come from?

Just now while I was leveling my hunter in a bfa dungeon I came across a geared tank, it seems to be a bit common for some people to just be boosting like this and appreciate it when I run into one, but this tank seemed to have not taken his meds today as he was zooming through the trash, leaving them behind and having me and other people constantly die (I even had the Darkmoon buff and was a bit annoyed at that since its annoying to go and apply the buff) The healer appeared to have been afk, just sitting at the entrance. How dare I have the audacity to ask the question what he is doing because this caused for me to be immediately kicked from the group and a whisper from the healer calling me a “f—gt”.

It kinda hurts you know? not the whisper or the toxic players but how often it seems to happen and the punishment to the player for doing nothing wrong (The punishment being not able to que again for another dungeon for a few mins)

I even remember during the last time walking event running into a similar group of players, who just want to speed through the dungeon and you slip up one bit its an immediate kick and then you’re punished by being given the deserter buff.

I’m not even really a new player but I can only imagine what it would be like for someone new to encounter something like this without friends.

An automated random matchmaking system with no consequences for your actions and a system built in (vote kick protection) to reward continued trolling, griefing and poor play.

Only blizzard has themselves to blame for unleashing this abomination since 2010 (patch 3.3 ICC in wrath).


I get the impression from these types of threads that the person posting is not giving the full story or massively downplaying their contribution to what lead to the kicking. You don’t see players lashing out unprovoked often. I personally doubt they would kick you and whisper a slur just for asking, “What is the healer doing?”.


3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs and the truth.

I recently kicked a tank from a bc dungeon who could come and type up a story about how “toxic” people are to people learning new classes.

We killed half the dungeon with him and were telling him that he needed to taunt the mobs to which he replied “what’s taunt” so someone described the icon to him. We also said he needs to press death strike which he never pressed.

He was given plenty of chance to show any improvement but he didn’t so he was kicked and 4 Manning it turned out to be easier. No doubt he would say we were “toxic go go go people” or something though.


I feel you man. I notice the same things. I mean I probably get where those guys are coming from, but there’s no excuse for that kind of behaviour. And Blizz giving people the deserter buff if they are kicked from the dungeon is just ridiculous.

I’ve asked around about this and the general advice I keep getting is “if you don’t like it, don’t do it and find a guild or group of friends to do it”. I hope, if you can, that that works for you, because for me on my server it’s not really working. The guilds that I really like the description of reject my applications, and others I found were very small, and nobody ever talking in the guild chat. :frowning:
For that reason I wish the game would allow people to join multiple guilds like in other games, or be able to join guilds cross-server so that you’re open to more opportunities.

But in any case, send me a bnet friend request if you’re looking to have someone to run dungeons without toxicity, I am looking for the same thing :slight_smile:

What you’re describing is called Communities in WoW, a feature that was added in BfA. That said, I’ve yet to find any really active and/or useful communities myself. Maybe you’ll have better luck.

as a tank i’ve learned that even if I pull twice as much trash as I need to in a heroic / timewalking dungeon… some noob will always find a way to aggro somethingelse… including the flying bloodswamer between the 2nd and 3rd boss in underrot ( bet you didn’t even knew they existed)… then think it’s a small slip up.

this is why we just ignore you and move on.

It’s been a while since I voted to kick someone but if you aren’t reading carefully, isn’t it possible to kind of troll people with this? Like in this case, couldn’t the healer have initiated the kick on OP and wrote “healer AFK”? People quickly read it on the go, hit kick, and OP is out. I know I’d heard of it happening in the past and I think it’s something that can still happen if you don’t actually read the name of the person being kicked carefully.

I tend to think that people can get toxic in dungeons because the grind wears on them. Instead of taking a break, they gotta go go go to get to X level by Y time or get Z item. So they get snippy when they really just need to take a break.

I dont know man when i was leveling my tank last week i ran into a string of healers who were absolute douche bags. It wasn’t to me personally all the time however some of the things i saw were pretty bad. for example one healer refused to heal the whole party because the mage didn’t put down a table. You wanna know what the kicker is? he did put the table down at the start of the dungeon. right in front of the whole party. I’m not saying all healers are like this but there are defiantly f%ckheads in every role and spec

I really feel like you aren’t telling us the whole story here. I have been leveling quite a few characters since the leveling buff, and not only is there literally no toxicity, but there is no chat, the run is dead silent from start to end.

My theory is toxicity comes from bad play. If you play horribly, then people will get frustrated with you, and if you play well, then no one says anything and the run goes smoothly.

No. toxicity comes from jerks there have all ways been jerks and there will continue to be jerks. combining nobody knowing who you are and Elitism/People feeling like they are getting fingers pointed at them, will always create general jerkiness. Just because its a video game doesnt mean that the rules of the internet dont apply.

Not gonna lie, I died laughing reading the first paragraph.

But I know how you feel. I had an rl friend recently give WoW a shot and he boosted a DK to 120 so I thought alright, me and another rl buddy will run some TW dungeons on our low level characters, everything scales, it’ll be fine. Good learning opportunity for him I thought. We’re moving along and the 2 randos just keep trying to kick our new friend for low dps. At the end of the dungeon I explained to them that he literally just started playing a day ago, and to loosen up. Not everything is a timed +22 key or cutting edge content.