Failure is a part of life. Anything worth doing has a chance to fail. Does it suck when someone bricks your key because their ego can’t fit into the room? Yeah, of course. Does it change the calculus on how to keep moving? No.
I see you agree with me.
Now consider that there are people who don’t want to be risk taking, performative, stage players. Basically meaning non-meta players. Want to have fun, and enjoy peaceful moments. Or even casually enjoy a RBG or other. I think this Is where you can win the most.
On the flip side, and this didn’t create some dramatic emotional explosion, everyone just agreed it wasn’t working out.
I was in 14 with a bear tank and right of the bat there was problems with aggro. It was taking a while to round things up and DPS were pulling things off the tank right and left. In the post mortem while looking at the meters I figured out what was going on. It turns out they weren’t swiping, which is the main way of generating AoE threat.
So someone was trying to tank a 14 without even knowing the basic rotation.
Every class and role does this but with tanks it’s much more apparent when it happens and much harder to compensate for. Which I think is a large part of why they get more flack then other roles.
Then you’re lucky.
For toxic behavior to be non-existent, everyone needs to not be toxic. I can guarantee people in here commenting say they have put up with toxic players but yet to reveal their times of toxicity. It rubs off on everyone and I have to admit, I have at time been toxic whether it be a series of shonky groups or just annoyed with everyone elses toxicity.
The toxicity comes from the elitest, yes the minority and as people rise in M+ levels, they feel more superior over anyone else that has a lower rating. You see it all over the forums too. People talking about how they’re so great and belittling the players that haven’t achieved what they have.
I always tell myself, that lower progressed people are the ones with a life and these elitests literally spend their every waking minute pushing to improve that digital tag they carry around for bragging rights (also known as losers irl), so they need it to justify their own existence with fake achievements.
WoW is not the only game that goes through it either. It’s often around games that involve MLG which M+ has literally turned into.
I don’t get much flack from DPs or healing, but when I tank, everyone is a backseat driver (including players that know nothing about tanking).
I don’t judge folks for being super good at the game. And even their pride. I just think they can be favored so much by the devs that the devs only think about them. And forget the rest of us.
I very rarely see toxicity when I pug. But when I do, it’s almost exclusively in the under +15 bracket.
It’s a combination of the fact that people doing 15s are on average more competent players, and because time it or not, they will get max loot.
People claim it’s all about the timers maxing their stress. It’s really not. It’s about the fact that if they don’t make the timer, they can’t push their key up to where they will get max loot. It’s loot whoring that causes much of the toxicity.
And the higher up you push, the more the toxicity drains away. At that point everyone just assumes you give a crud, and generally, they’re right. Where I have seen toxicity at that level, it’s almost entirely racism against LAM players, not actual stuff regarding in-key play.
I think the problem is, blizzard took a direction to take dungeons to the MLG scene. This whole esports trend can either make or break a game. I think blizzard needs to remember who the majority of their player base is. That being said and although contradictory, I do enjoy pushing keys when all goes well but I’m sure as hell aren’t going to spend my every waking hours doing it lol.
What’s LAM?
Me shortening LATAM because I’m sleepy. (Latin American)
While that player definitely does exist I see the flip side a lot more often. I think the problem is the different definitions of toxic people have.
And what it comes down to is this.
Is everyone obligated to help anyone who wants to run high content or is there an obligation to the group to show up prepared?
I think that a lot of the toxicity in Mythic+ would go away if the system gets changed in 1 simple way: finishing a keystone outside the time limit would not downgrade it.
So, basically, if you fail a +15, you can retry the same +15. Or maybe it changes to a different dungeon of the same level, whatever.
That way if some idiot joins your group trolling, being bad, dying a lot, getting disconnected or being laggy, you just kick him out and fin a replace to try the same key at the same level.
Most of the toxicity comes from people that with good reason gets mad because they just want to do his +15 for the week and some noob burns it. Then the blame shifting begins and everything falls apart.
Change this and end 85% of the toxicity.
Well that’s definitely not my definition of toxicity. My definition is more a long the lines of bullying.
What I see more is things more along the lines of this:
Experienced players know mistakes happen but where I see things go south the most is the blame game.
A “my bad” goes a long way to timing a key with a wipe or two.
There’s no number of “my bad” that can patch 4 wipes because you just cant direct the Abomination Hook to bring the boss down.
Toxicity is gonna exists forever since we are all human and some noob ruining your day is always bad or you might had a bad day.
The best you can do is to make the consequences of failing not that hard. No one wants to do his +15, some noob ruins it, then leaves and forces everyone else to do a +14 to hopefully do the weekly +15 later.
Some people are just dumb. They regarded Mythic+ toxic when they get denied on Dungeon Finder.
There are gazillion reasons why they were not chosen for the group. They feel so entitled, feeling that they are the best choice for the group. What they dont know there are pages of people on the list who are far better geared/skilled than them.
I don’t see how taking away consequences will help avoid the situation you describe. If anything it will make it worse since it will be easier to fail upwards without knowing basic boss mechanics.
There is a ton of toxicity in the m+ community. Like actually a mind boggling amount.
First, there is the entitled people. I get whispered once a day telling me some version of “kill myself kid” “you’re an idiot for not taking me” “lol trolling ur own key” because I didn’t invite one of the 30 dps that signed up. Sorry, I had one dps slot, your class or qualifications didn’t make the cut.
Then there’s the backseat drivers. That shaman healer that refused to join discord then decided your route wasn’t good enough and starts pulling for you. This week has convinced me that if people do not join discord, I remove them from the group. Then every pull you do “NERF TANK DOESN’T PULL LIKE THIS”. I’m not nerf tank and you’re not ellesmere, we don’t know each other. I’m not pulling that big. It’s a 21. We’ll be fine.
Then the people that are completely oblivious. You ask “hey can you kick/trap/sap/etc”. Then you stand there waiting for a response. then they say something along the lines of “go???” .
Or people that leave after one wipe. it’s still timeable. Or the people that afk randomly throughout a +21 key and only do 7k dps overall.
In general the community is full of toxicity. I don’t know any solution blizzard could take to solve all of it. Really, I don’t think there’s a good solution. We have no reputation based systems in wow anymore people just act stupid and move on.
I already explained that in the previous post.
Read it completely.
They should be mature enough to understand the behavior of competitive players. They should just absorb the blame… learn the mistakes, move on and improve their game next time. They should keep on trying and never give up. We were all once noobs.
Once they improve their game, there would no more blame on them next time.
Internet has lots of bullies/sharks. Fend them off. Dont let people bully you. Improve your game. Show them that you can do it. Tell people you make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. Just keep on improving. Practice makes perfect. Do more attempts until your perfect it.
When you get to +14/+15s, people in there would be perfectionist. No room for error. Install Elitists Helper. If you are consistently having the least fail damage on the group and you have decent DPS, you are good to go.