So I run 2 bnets / 2 accounts. I mainly do this on SOD so I can keep my toons Naxx HM4 ready. On woW 20th Anniv; dreamscythe horde im a GM. Keep in mind; 2 accounts. I met another multiboxer from the top guild on server. Went to go help him farm SGC. This man uses fury spec; no shield; no CD’s; and gets dumpstered in the arena (No totems, racials; or Lesser Healing Waves w/ Natures swift could save him ) He insta blocked. He called me a bot in trade. Who cares right? But I’m curious::::: WE BOTH; messaged each other from different accounts; I did report him; are either of us subject to bans/actions? In the end; I spoke to their GM; problem will be solved (He wasted over an hour of my time) — But can 2 players beefing that both have 2 bnets be actioned? If he blocked me; but messaged me on his alt mage. And I messaged him on my alt druid like “Wtf why” - it seems like we both committed the same infraction.
any thoughts? GL Gamers. Ly all.
in short; I got kicked/blocked from a BRD Arena run bc he was soloing on his war/boosting his mage. He died quick. Called me a bot. I logged on my druid and basically said “WTF really” and then he sent “Thanks for wasting my f’ing lockout” then blocked there too. But then; he messaged my alt from HIS alt. So we basically both did the same thing /shrug.