Toxicity - help

So I run 2 bnets / 2 accounts. I mainly do this on SOD so I can keep my toons Naxx HM4 ready. On woW 20th Anniv; dreamscythe horde im a GM. Keep in mind; 2 accounts. I met another multiboxer from the top guild on server. Went to go help him farm SGC. This man uses fury spec; no shield; no CD’s; and gets dumpstered in the arena (No totems, racials; or Lesser Healing Waves w/ Natures swift could save him ) He insta blocked. He called me a bot in trade. Who cares right? But I’m curious::::: WE BOTH; messaged each other from different accounts; I did report him; are either of us subject to bans/actions? In the end; I spoke to their GM; problem will be solved (He wasted over an hour of my time) — But can 2 players beefing that both have 2 bnets be actioned? If he blocked me; but messaged me on his alt mage. And I messaged him on my alt druid like “Wtf why” - it seems like we both committed the same infraction.

any thoughts? GL Gamers. Ly all.

in short; I got kicked/blocked from a BRD Arena run bc he was soloing on his war/boosting his mage. He died quick. Called me a bot. I logged on my druid and basically said “WTF really” and then he sent “Thanks for wasting my f’ing lockout” then blocked there too. But then; he messaged my alt from HIS alt. So we basically both did the same thing /shrug.

Sod players, ladies and gentlemen.


every report gets ignored because blizzard knows they’re all from petty grown men so you’re good

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you mean 20th Anniversary; but - good try. Hope Nightslayer is going well for you! From Dreamscythe Horde

dont multibox or have two accounts. problem solved.

sod players, ladies and gentlemen.


yes i play sod; and i play anniversary - incredible obsessive random <3 your achievement points; level; and mog and parses could use some work I bet. And to add to it; We got Mythic down!!! #6 clear. Not like its a realm first; but; what are you doing in WoW??? or are you genuinely just trolling forum posts and griefing real responses. Stop abusing the forums

This is frowned upon around here.

You can be permanently banned for wiping in BRD, yes.
Might as well just delete everything and go play FF14.

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you can’t get banned for having 2x battle net or even 10x battle net.

however you can get banned if you are using software to login / move or broadcast actions on your accounts.

reporting is kinda lame tbh.

sod is the dominant gene, anniversary recessive :expressionless:
if you play both, that makes you a sod player

How do you handle toxicity in real life? Apply that same strategy.