There was none. I’m pretty sure that 100% of all of us who have ever done any from of PvP ever…have died to an unfair Mind Control. Whoever did it to OP…he’s going to feel like a champ as soon as he comes across this thread.
Facts. More like the stowaway that’s never been to sea before.
For what its worth hes on Living Flame server, might be time to level another Priest.
It’s so easy to avoid the mind control, just pay attention and LOS. Also you can’t get feared off the boat, it’s not how fear works. If you are falling off the boat after a fear it’s because you pressed buttons to move your character off the boat after the fear ended.
Sounds like you got a job to do
In all honesty thank you for this thread. Nice to have some chuckles.
Like reading a 2000s post with rose tinted goggles.
Sucks to suck LOL sorry sorry sorry that was toxic.
Yeah, I thought that was funny too. If you are getting feared off the boat its because you are literally walking off the boat yourself after the fear ends lmao. So that’s the type of player we are dealing with here who is complaining. I wouldn’t expect anything less from them.
i cant wait for a GM to chime in and let you all know you are all wrong!!!
in order for MC to get you off the boat the priest has to PURPUSLEY jump the MC’d player off the edge since there is no pathing it has to be done dilibiretaly which is why its toxic and exploitive and also considered griefing and which is why it should be bannable/suspendable
That’s pretty much how it’s always been on PVP servers, this is nothing new.
I got tired of it myself so I play on PVE server now, easy solution.
you keep waiting man, because that will never happen… first of all whens the last time you seen a GM post on these forums outside dropping patch notes.
Oh so hitting the space bar to jump is exploiting now, interesting.
Thanks for the nonsense, knowing what your in for joining a battleground isnt the same as getting no lifed by a greaselord who cant hack actual pvp so they grief instead.
Also, if you can tell me statistically what you get from forcing them off the boat, such as rep or honor, then its fine.
If not, look in the mirror sometime.
Again, morons aside, this is griefing.
Ignore the clowns and report.
You will know you are doing good work when the ingame mail from blizz shows up.
PvE servers exist. You knew what you signed up for when you selected the PvP option.
Griefing isnt an option.
Hahaha you post me a screenshot of someone getting banned for MC’ing off the boat and ill send you 10G
As if they wouldn’t have just removed the option or added guards to the boat if they didn’t want it to be possible in WoW Classic. Lol. They clearly don’t care if its being done or think that it is exploitative behavior, and banning people for it would be a lot more work than just adding some protection in game and lose them money in Subs on top of that. Make it make sense. lol. You are absolutely correct and this guy is coping hard, No GM will chime in and if one does it will be to say that it is an intended game mechanic that is not bannable.
PvP happened.
“Help, I’m getting griefed!”
Pretty sure boomboy and cptbrandon are the same guy
Sure. Thats why you get attacked in gadgetzan right? You dont just get banned for griefing with some broken mechanics stirred in, right?
Some people…
Servers are up, time to start leveling my 2nd Undead priest on Living Flame. have fun yall.