Toxic Gameplay in Dragon flight

I was in a group earlier, we killed 3 of 4 bosses. we killed the 3rd boss . I got a piece of gear I didn’t need. So I offered it up for trade to anyone who needed it. The tank needed it. So I gave MY GEAR to the tank. They said nothing. I said yeah so usually thank you works. Because I said that. The tank voted and the rest of the group kicked me from the group. After I gave away my gear and just before the last boss. This is pretty toxic.

Try not to have so much Animosity towards people who may not be as polite as you are. Also dead-naming is bad. It would probably be pretty responsible and good towards ToS to remove the tank’s name from your post.

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There’s always three sides to a story and we don’t have the other two. You probably came across as being toxic for berating them for not saying thanks. While it’d be nice of them to say thanks since you gave them “YOUR” gear, it’s not necessarily required.

Coming to the forums and calling people out for what could just be a huge misunderstanding is actually pretty toxic itself.


There was no Communication at all, other than they need my gear. There was not as you stated any berating. be·rate



berating (present participle)

  1. scold or criticize (someone) angrily: