Towering Deepstrider Not Tameable?

Does anyone know if the Towering Deepstrider is tameable, some secret way? If it’s not then Blizzard needs to fix it!! They remind me of the creatures from the Dark Crystal and I want to tame one!!!


I haven’t logged on yet so I had to hit WoWhead to see what this was. Yeah this MUST be tameable blizz. Make it happen.

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Yes! I just noticed them and it immediately reminded me of the Dark Crystal. Shame we can’t tame it, just checked. :confused:


I am now a sad Hunter alt. :slightly_frowning_face:


The crystal gargoyles have to be made tameable before those…they are too cool. They had a chance in SL with a “stoneborn tome” but didn’t.

Are they those cool leggy friends? I would love to have one as a pet! They’re glorious!


The devs responded during the PTR saying there were technical limitations with them being tameable.


Yup!! I ran into them while hunting the battle pets!

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Well dang, I was hoping they would have some secret way to make them tameable.


I’m still waiting for tameable ferrets since people use them to hunt rabbits and such. that and they’re adorable :smiley:

I thought the same when i saw them and think devs inspired of it when they created it. I want them as a mount someday please.


I want to be able to tame a cow. Just a regular moomoo from goldshire.


Interesting. Only took them like 15 freaking years to give us a new Core Hound model/skin.


I sure hope they’re trying to look in to ways to make it happen despite that, because if not, that’s honestly sad. I’ve wanted to tame one of these long bois since they first showed up in datamines.

I’d at least be satisfied with a not-stupidly-annoying-to-obtain mount version, though. Just give me the creepy moose creatures. I need them. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


I can’t say I’m surprised by that, but it’s still very disappointing.

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tame the otters in dragon isles, its the next best thing

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yeahhhh but they have horns. I just want a nice big oversized ferret that dooks like one and does the weasel war dance XD

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Is that npc in Desolace?

They remind me of Salvador Dali’s more macabre artworks, and I love them… I NEED these!

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I leveled a hunter for these, one was going to be called long legs, the other was going to be called daddy.