Toughguybob aka Bandit. Farewell all

Hello, so a lot of you won’t care, and some will.

I’ve stirred the pot on these forums for a long time now on Bob and other toons, always been told to post on my main, so here it is.

Just saying my goodbyes as I’m quitting WoW for good, I’ve played off and on after MoP and the game has given me faith on and off until now, WoD sucked. Legion was awesome, BFA started well and was a disaster. Shadowlands 9.0 was the most fun I’ve had in WoW since MoP and my faith was restored in the game until it took them such a long time to release 9.1, a rather small patch. For me it broke the last good will I had with Blizzard even though there is a pandemic it seems like there is a true absence of major resources for the game and it’s near its end.

My will to play the game is gone, and I don’t think the game will ever get better going into the future, it’s just outdated and the days of it being the top MMO are over. Blizzard has nothing truly new to give this game.

So that’s my end, I’ve been posting here since MoP trolling. Things like the oQueue days when I annoyed people so much that I was globally banned from an addon, or when I made an AV premade destruct and turn into Hydra inadvertently.
I’ve been pretty harsh on these forums but nothing was ever serious, and I apologize if I’ve ever hurt someone beyond the game.

I wish everyone well in their life and future endeavors. I have a lot of you on battlenet so I’ll still be around playing Warzone, but to the other fellow posters over the years, I’m sure we will cross roads in other games like Ashes Of Creation etc.
Can add me on this if you want ^

Here is some selfies with a lot of the forum regulars over the years.

Some random forum videos from way back too.

Farewell for now all. Take care, and no you can’t have my stuff.
-Bobby Bandit. :cowboy_hat_face:


Maybe you should post this over in the general forum so at least some people read it? You would at least get a proper amount of ‘likes’ on your way out :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry to say, but this board has been fairly dead for a while now. Seems there’s only like 1 new thread per week and maybe 7-8 regular posters (that’s low) :laughing:

Anyways, good luck with whatever new game/community you take up.

EDIT: seriously dude, this part right here would really resonate with a lot of people

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Yeah, a lot of people are losing interest. Myself included. Good luck to you.


F for one of the greatest.
WoW was always funner playing with you.

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You weren’t so bad. Good luck wherever you end up.

can i have your stuff?

Good luck man. I’ll see you in ashes


Thank you for being a better trollmaster than me and you are valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Gon miss you :frowning:

ur 100% serious 100% of the time bro

Godspeed young Orc.

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Farwell, Bandito


Anyone else find it strange that BFA (somehow) kept a lot of regulars interested enough to stay subbed, but Shadowlands is “the straw that broke the camel’s back”?

I guess it’s fitting that Shadowlands has a death theme with all the unsubs since launch, my goodness :joy:

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Because BFA atleast had bigger maps… SL is too small . The raids seem awesome but if you are not raiding , SL is pretty boring

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It’s not even because of Shadowlands for me, personally. I think season 1 just lasted too long, and I and everyone I know is burnt out.

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Yeah, kind of bad for right after a patch with new pvp talents to talk about and mess around with.


Eh… PvP talents don’t really affect BG’ers very much. I don’t think that’s it.

Like I said, when you only see like 1 new thread per week and maybe 7-8 people that visit this place, that doesn’t bode well.

Other than the minor change to brawls, I didn’t see anything in the 9.1 patch notes about battlegrounds/epic battlegrounds, which certainly doesn’t help things.

If I had to guess, they were super rushed/behind schedule on patch 9.1 and didn’t have time to get to casual PvP/BGs.

Hopefully they’ll get around to battlegrounds feedback in 9.1.5 or 9.2…


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I sort of feel the same, except I feel like season 1 lasted too long and not enough meaningful changes happened for season 2 to be exciting/worth it. I think everyone still feels burned out because it doesn’t feel that different from season 1. If anything it feels kind of worse.

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Yeah, I’m going to get 1800 in something for the xmog then probably take a break. If the xmog didn’t look so cool this season I wouldn’t even bother to do that, tbh. Lol


I wanted to go for a Vicious Saddle this season because I really want the BfA mount, but my motivation is so low idk if its gonna happen lol

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