Totemic Thoughts?

The trend started by DF tier sets and now continued into WW hero talents of converting defensive and utility cooldowns into throughput cooldowns is surely one of the most concerning things to me about where the devs’ heads are at.

For all the hero paths that slant hard toward one of their associated specs over the other, I think the even deeper disparity is that these talents are being designed first and foremost for raid environments with their functionality in any other content as an afterthought.

Ot only does one at time and move every 5sec basically. There is a video on youtube. but half the talent doesnt work so you can just see that almost.

Also totemic recall doesnt work on surging totem. Which might be a bug or not we dont really know yet. Same for totemic surge. Doesnt seem to reduce its cooldown by 6sec.

One thing I noticed tough is

On the capstone you always consume 2 mote at once. Either Water/Air or Earth/Air.
Because Air reduce cast time of next healing spell. Which is either Wave/Surge(Water) or Chain(Earth) Dont know its its intended.

The only way to cast Air alone would be on Wellspring or Downpour. But both are kinda underwelming. I wouldnt care about downpour if it was applying riptide or earthliving evvect on its targets. U know would be worth the 5sec aditionnal but its terrible.

It has been tested on the alpha. The totem summons a healing rain every 5 seconds that lasts for 5 seconds.

Totemic recall currently doesn’t reset the cooldown of surge totem which it should. So if you have out two surge totems then you should be getting multiple healing rains but it can’t be tested yet.

Blessing of autumn is super niche and not something I think most alpha testers would think of, but that would just shave off time from surge totems cooldown, not the cooldown of the totem proc.

Honestly I hope Surge Totem never works with Totemic Recall. I do not want to be forced into that garbage capstone for throughput.


I’m pretty sure that you can only have one Surging totem out at a time. It was on the leaked screenshots that it has a limit of 1, but that of course might change since it’s alpha. Depending on how fast it casts healing rain it be possible to summon it, it cast healing rain, and then immediately summon another to get 2nd, but you’d have to do that every time and it’s pretty weak for a 3min cooldown.


I currently enjoy greatly speccing for creation core and dropping four healing stream totems at once lol but I guess that’s not necessarily throughput because cloudburst is probably still better, I just find it fun.

Hailstorm is located where it is in the tree because they wanted it to be a choice node with fire nova so we couldn’t get both, and fire nova doesn’t work without the lava lash talents. Its annoying, but that’s why.

I do think it should. Personally I kinda like using it for Earthen Wall in group raid with Dots Debuff on whole raid.

I whole heartedly agree the placement is odd.

But a more appropriate question is Hailstorm going to be around in TWW is a better question, Totemic largely favours Fire Nova (praying it does get buffed to be worth pressing), Totemics capstone specifically only works with Lava Lash/Fire Nova.

Stormbringer, you have so much more throughput with casting Chain Lightning more so when Conductive Energy gets implemented.

Is Frost Shock going to be worth the GCD on either Hero Spec Build? I see its use in PvP situations for the slow.

Swirling Maelstrom I can see sticking around or naturally being baked in, be a great way to MSW Boost especially with Fire Nova.

Currently, of course very early to tell while I’m sure both Hero Specs will change by the TWW, Hailstorm won’t fit in if the Enhance tree is left in a similar state as live.

Put doom winds there, that way everything under it effects what is above it.

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