Totemic Thoughts?

I think it already is on alpha. It’s not in the alpha talent tree for enhance anymore.

It’s almost mind blowing how superior this tree is versus Ancestors.

The one thing I’ll say is that this is doubling down on our strengths and highlighting on our weaknesses even more without any proper balance.

At a first glance unless tuning is terrible this will be almost instant pick at least for me though some minor changes would be nice like being allowed to place surging totem.


I would have preferred to have our totems to be more meaningful and to kinda come alive. Not just add another totem, it kinda feels like we got the Kyrian tree again with the Vesper Totem. This tree feels like it wasn’t planned for too long. I wish we had the same people who worked on Warlocks.

Given stormbringer heavily plays into SS build, if this was supposed to be the other side of the coin for elementalist, it’s just garbage.

Why is the entire left side of the tree tied to SS/WF? Actual useless filler? Vice versa could be said for each build. It’s so low effort.

I get more annoyed every time I read that useless flametongue node that was CLEARLY them not knowing what to do with this tree either. I can’t wait for my second to last contributing ability to my damage to randomly auto attack harder and maybe be third to last and still only ~1.4% of my damage WOW SO EXCITING.

It’s insane how bad it looks. I have no idea why it took so long to release something so bad. But hey, maybe we’ll get a blue post about their philosophy with it (no we won’t).


It really is. I’d rather be tied to ELW than UL.

I’d rather have more of my current button presses have meaningful impact than hope for an RNG spawn when I need it.

Absolutely. Do you like to chain heal? Because well. You are gonna. Raid healing profile gonna be through the roof.

My hope is we get some sort of play to impact the healing rain auto cast location for acid rain reasons.

While something like “healing rain prefers to target player with earth shield” wouldn’t be the most ideal (because I like keeping ES on my hunter), that sorta concept

Sounds like you do understand :joy:

I don’t like it.

They are still trying to push this totem idea that NEVER worked.

It’s annoying to deal with, it requires a significant re design of how totems work.

My suggestion is to make them untargetable, and they float around you, at least dps/utility totems. Things like capacitor totems would work like they do right now.




I don’t see warriors forced to talent into battle shout to use it…… or monks damage bonus from a hitting a target.

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Big totems and a shield for putting one down every 30 sec is very arousing to me. We are dropping the Totemic Totem every 20 sec anyway and it sounds like we just keep doing our thing with a shield up and the totem handles its self. We’re going to need some other stuff to play with like stoneskin and such to buff around the party and make it worth it but honestly Big Cartoon totem the size of a Vulpera while getting shields sounds great.

I played a shaman way back, so I like the idea of dropping a dps totem. It just feels right to me. Particularly true if the totem does good damage and I actually want to press it.

The rest of the tree is just wonky and all over the place. Buffing our weapon imbues sounds really cool, but this tree appears to be targeted at the build that doesn’t take the talents to make it worth buffing them. It also procs Searing totems from LL so it obviously favors Ashen Catalyst and HH. Nobody takes the improved weapon imbues and the suite of lava lash talents at the same time.

A random absorb shield is good for reducing total damage taken, but it isn’t likely to save you from the damage spikes that shamans are weak against.

Its like they played shaman bingo and this is what they came up with for enhancement. This has to be riding on a talent tree rework that hasn’t been made public yet. It doesn’t make any sense otherwise.

Looks pretty legit for resto, though.

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It reads like the kid that forgot they had homework so they just jotted something down ten minutes before class to keep from getting a zero.

I may be in the minority here, but I like that this tree gives boosts to windfury, ascendance, lava lash, and hailstorm. I like that it seems to be all over the place, because I really disagree with the premise that hero specs should only support one build style.

We still don’t know what our spec trees will look like on TWW launch, so some of these things might become baseline or moved in the tree to become easier to obtain.

Edit - I find it odd though that this tree has more Ascendance and wind fury elements to it than stormbringer. Neither enhance hero spec seems to lean much into the elementalist playstyle and maybe that will be okay since I’m pretty sure stormbringer will work fine with it, but it’s just odd. Maybe totemic will end up being a mess who knows.


I think that’s the issue, they’ve shown this without us knowing anything about how our spec tree is going to look for Enhance, which is sort of the problem and just adds to the confusion.

Hopefully soon I guess we see the adjustments to our Talent Trees.

But in saying that as Resto I really don’t mind it, Particularly because I don’t need to free up a space to add Unleash Life especially in M+👍🏽.

I really hope Shaman in general gets a few passes on the talent trees. Since Legion, it’s felt like Shaman were always the class that the devs were all - “Oh, we forgot Shaman… um… quick. Let’s tune a few numbers to show we didn’t forget them!”.

Which is funny considering the poster boy of the franchise - Thrall - is THE Shaman everyone thinks of when you mention the class.

Wait so the totem is off gcd and has 100% uptime… with a short short cooldown. Whats to complain about.

Just fix the talent tree so the nodes make sense and the tree kind of slaps. I don’t even hate using all of the elements for the build.

They have to be “cooking”, look at the new current reworks they’ve done, I’m sure we are on the list, although as tradition last on the list with the least amount of time to give feedback for changes.

While I know we will get something, it most likely won’t be as fleshed out and changed as others, some classes already in Alpha have gotten several adjustments considering they’ve had more time to test and receive feedback on.


You certainly have more optimism than I do. I really hope you’re right and my skepticism is misplaced.

Hey, sometimes false hope is better then no hope :man_shrugging:t4:, even if it’s a minor adjustment I’m sure it be something.


It makes no sense that they would make sweeping enough changes to the Enhancement spec tree to accommodate the scattershot nature of the talents on display in Totemic, though, because doing so would totally upend what is already the best place Enhancement has been in for ages.

Honestly seems kinda cool for resto. With that said…

Do you need to spec into healing rain or does the totem free up that talent point?
Doesn’t this let you get 2 healing rains out vs our current 1?

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