Totemic Recall and Stonebulwark Totem

My Stonebulwark Totem has an under 3 minute cooldown, I have not been able to reset it with Totemic Recall.

I’ve read up on it and found that it only affects totems with a BASE COOLDOWN under 3 minutes. Meaning, if you lower a Totem’s cooldown to 3 minutes or under via Talents, then it doesn’t count as a 3 minute totem for purposes of Totemic Recall.

Do I have this right?

So, it’s not a bug that Totemic Recall does not reset a 3-minute cooldown Stonebulwark Totem?

I don’t think I took any talents that reduce its cooldown, but I could be wrong.

And so, my love, hate, hate relationship with Shaman continues…

Its base CD is 3 minutes. So talents that lower the CD do not count towards lowering it under that 3 minutes. This was a nerf from the original 2 minutes during prepatch.

As a result of the nerf Blizz significantly increased the shield value it gives you.

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Thank you.

Curious, which Heroic Spec did you choose?

Stormbringer. Lightning focused build and I do not use Pwave. I’m having a blast playing it.

Since hate is so scarce right now I just leaned a little more in to crit with haste as 2nd focus.

My end game is pvp though not much in to raids/mythic.

Same, I actually ditched Pwave with Stormbringer and a lot of Lava Burts Talents (not all).

I also ditched the magma totem and Fire Ascendant.

Better to just spam CL and Earthquake and get Stormkeeper procs.

Bruv I look at your build and … I am totally gonna steal it. Looks really fun. I am exhausted with lava burst builds with primordial wave, and even ascendence

Excited to give this a go :slight_smile:

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For now, I am mainly using this build in PvP. But, I have found it good for PvE as well.

I would say that if you go Farseer you should be taking primoridial wave, ascendance, lava totem, and buff lava burst.

For Stormbringer, unless you take multiple Lava Burst focused talents, they aren’t necessary.

The whole point of the talent point investment is to do cleave damage with Lava Burst (magma totem to apply flame shock to multiple targets at once, and primordial wave or fire ascendant to insta cast lava burst at all targets affected by flame shock).

You will do more dps if you still take all those lava burst talents in PvE. But, the micro management sucks. Just use Chain Lightning and take the talent that makes top talent that makes Earthquake do much more damage following Earth Shock. Spam CL and always use Stormkeeper when off cooldown.

That being said, still apply flame shock and instant cast your lava burst on procs.

Unless you’re very committed to this class, I suggest Mage (Ice or Arcane) or Warrior (any Spec but fury is the most fun).

Thanks! Let me know what think :slight_smile:

I been using it and … it feels great! I’ve always loved using lightning builds. Glad that with stormbringer we can reinforce that :slight_smile:

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Nice!!! :slight_smile:

How do I see you’re Talent tree?

I was able to pull your pvp talents, that’s it.

I am going lightning and want to see what you did.

Also, I see that you went crit and mastery over haste. I thought we were supposed to make haste our primary stat, then mastery and crit last.

I see on the forums that people are suggesting mastery first.

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Mastery now with the latest 11.0.5. Haste is just so hard to accumulate via pvp gear atm I decided to lean in on crit first.

You have to export my build from wow and then import it to wowhead.

I wouldn’t worry much longer about my build bc waaaay too many changes coming in .5 to get in to it much.

But Insure do enjoy this build a lot lol.

Yeah, I read some of the patch notes and the overhaul is significant.

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