Totemic Rebound does not work - Resto Shaman

Totemic Resto shaman totemic Rebound talent node does not work. It does nothing.

The node is worded is such a way that it should proc every time a shaman cast chain heal ends within 24 yards of the shaman’s totem to recast a 3 target chain heal. This never occurs under any circumstances - this node functionally does nothing.

Can confirm that it is currently not possible to track anyway whatsoever the activity of this hero talent.

Seems to be working now. It is doing close to 6% of my total healing and roughly 23% of my total chain heal healing. Details addon shows the contribution from each totem by clicking on the yellow triangle next to your chain heal spell.

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It still doesn’t seem to be working for me? Placed totem next to the 5 healing dummies, injured myself to near death… 4 casts of chain heal lead to 20 chain heal hits, no triangle next to the chain heal entry in details?

That said; it looks like it did jump to the totem after hitting 5 targets, so maybe it is just a reporting issue rather than an actual issue? That said, I never saw the chain heal starting from the totem and hitting 3 targets.

Edit: Confirmed, in a group it does indeed work as expected, so seemingly it can’t bounce to the shaman if injured, only to an ally (and not a healing dummy either :s)

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