I know I’m not the only one who finds totemic projection clunky. I think something that would help is building it into the totems themselves, like once you put one down, hitting the button again lets you move it.
That would help with the button bloat they seem to be working on. That and/or let any totem be placed remotely, like you can with earthgrab and some others. I don’t know why you can place some wherever and others are forced at your feet. It’s not like it’s hard to make an [@player] macro if people want the instant feet functionality back.
Maybe in the next pass after the rework? Which I love btw, great job! (I don’t play enh hehe)
I like that idea except if I have multiple totems down I have to repress the button for each one. This happens mostly in pvp for me. Putting down static and capacitor totem lets me move both around to different players to hit more people.
I like your method with certain totems. Healing totem should have the ability to reposition just it or counter strike, that way they don’t ALL move with each other.
I guess what I’m saying is crowd control totems can be moved together and all others work the way you described.
I think the way it is now is fine, not perfect but works well enough. I really wouldn’t want to have to manually place every healing stream totem down, or in an emergency situation waste any time getting it down. Making them movable by hitting the same spell again doesn’t really work with resto since healing stream and cloudburst have charges, and cloudburst also pops when you hit it a second time. Would probably be fine if it was just enh/ele that they made the changes for tho.
Please donc make any change to totemic projection. It work just fine + its out of gcd with low cd. If it was on gcd it would be clucky but since its not i think its just fine.