Totemic is confusing (Feedback)

Am I the only one who finds totemic confusing?

  1. Surging totem deal physical DMG. This doesn’t scale with mastery. Doesn’t work with ele wolves.
  2. We have to spec into wf totem taking away a precious talent point in an already bloated tree.
  3. I can’t figure out which spec this is supposed to favor. Stormbringer obviously favors storm build. One would think totemic would favor elementalist. The issue is that it doesn’t.
  4. Amp core or oversurge. While the former is meh (flat DMG increase), oversurge buffs surging totem while ascendance is active. Elemetalist doesn’t spec into ascendance or dre.
  5. okay, so maybe we’re supposed to go storm with this tree as well. But then there’s lively totem which favors lava lash. As storm, we wouldn’t press lava lash outside of being filler.
  6. Reactivity favors elemetalist as storm doesn’t take hailstorm or fire nova
  7. Earthsurge. We have to take sundering for it to work, again taking away another talent point. The only place to really take 2 talents points (for wf totem and sundering) is from either elemental assault or lfw. We would really only take sundering for M+ unless the DPS increase on single target with this talent is really good but again, neither scale with mastery.

It’s late and I don’t want to keep going but it’s more.or less the same. It’s neither here or there. Please rework this so that it favors one spec or the other. Currently as is, I’m going stormbringer.

Let’s not forget regular wolves do increase physical damage. And hero talents aren’t supposed to favor 1 spec/build over another. They want it be a viable choice for either. Otherwise yes you are correct. With the CURRENT version enhance builds these don’t make sense.