Totem Macro Help

Hey there!

I seem to be having trouble with a particular macro for totem placing.

It looks like this:

/cast [nomod] Capacitor Totem
/cast [mod:alt] Earthbind Totem
/cast [mod:shift] Thunderstorm

When I use the alt mod, it places the totem at my feet, instead of showing the reticle.

I would like to be able to place the totem with a reticle, but if that’s not possible, at least @cursor.

The problem when I combine the alt and cursor modifiers is that it still places it at my feet. Here’s how I format that:

/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Earthbind Totem

Please help!

I wonder, do you have alt in a keybind to target yourself already?

Thank you for answering.

No, I purposefully rebinded that key.

But I’ll check my Keybinds again.

If you have alt set as your self cast thing it could cause that. It wouldn’t be in key binds but settings.

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