Totem bar still not loading in properly, has existed since WOTLK

Everytime I log in, the totem bar does not appear. This bug has existed all of WOTLK and it would be great to fix so I would not have to reload every single time I start and load into the game.


Reload ui. This normally works

My point is that this is not normal, and you should not have to reload your UI virtually everytime you log in. This problem has existed since WOTLK and just gets annoying to deal with every single log in. This problem is consistent even without using addons. I cannot even think of the last time my totem bar loaded in with the game upon loading my character.


If you move your Totem of the Earthen Ring to any other bag slot, the totem bar(s) appear again.

Oh, so a work around for a problem that should be fixed, great.

Do you always have such a sour attitude? Yeah, it’s a bug and needs to be fixed, that’s kind of the point of a beta this isn’t early access for you to throw a fit over every little thing not working, it’s a beta where bugs are not only expected, but we’re encouraged to find and report them so that they don’t come up on live. People are offering you temporary solutions to your problem in the meantime until the bug is fixed, and you’re just sarcastically throwing it back in their faces