Total bronze you can get per day from raids

Here are the total bronze you can get a day if you do everything.
Note here that it isnt accounted for drops from trash mobs or extra farm you did outside of the instances.

Mogu Palace - (end boss drop extra)
6 normal bosses - 3250
6 heroic bosses - 5000

Heart of Fear - (end boss drop extra)
6 normal bosses - 3250
6 heroic bosses - 5000

Terrance of endless spring (end boss drop extra)
4 normal bosses - 2250
4 heroic bosses - 3500

Throne of Thunder
12 normal bosses - 7750
13* heroic bosses - 16000

Siege of Org (This is flex and have each lock out - you can do all of them)
14 normal bosses - 9000
14 heroic bosses - 12500
14 mythic bosses - 12500

So you can see the diff, you can upgrade your gear 33155 (full upgrade every peiece)
and you still get some left over.

Note that above is only for raids only.
I am not including LFR and daily heroic/normal dungeons + scenarios or daily dungeon/scanrios/raid quests or world bosses or any other trash clear in the raid.

You can see, if someone did the content at max performance they can get pretty much 2 full ups PER day, maybe 3 full ups depends on if they did extra farms, therefore do not be surprised at current day that some people are closed to MAXED despite not farming frogs.

To add: You dont get invited to group because for every group listed there are 10 more people who apply and similiar to M+, lead will only invite the highest ilvl. If you are low hp you would get one shotted in heroic and basically you are just asking people to carry you. Or change a different perspective, if you are a raid lead and there are 5-6 people who apply will you invite the lowest ilvl? if you would then good, lead your own group. cuz those low ilvl is people who dont do content.


Wrong I just did mythic. Blackfuse, Garrosh and thok offer the 1250

Garrosh drops 2 1250s and 2 legendary threads


yeah is even more, so it is more than what i listed. (updated)

Yeah, once you get heroic raids rolling, you get tons of threads and bronze upgrades. Much like you did, i was hit as well despite not farming frogs (only like 20 for the daily “kill elites” thing in timeless island, and it was a pain to tag and complete it the first few days when so many people were farming and tagging frogs), and i’m just depressed. I hope i get the stats that were stolen from me back (Also bizarrely, i was given the free 40k bronze despite having my cloak rolled back).


Not everyone has time to be doing all raids every day to upgrade your gear once… anyone trying to say the rates arent egregious, are out of their mind…


I have a bunch of this information collected here,

Raids are pretty good for bronze/min but they’re not that much better (with 346 gear) than just farming orb spawns or killing bugs. (EDIT: They can actually be a bit worse.)

If you can push the clear times, including forming up, of normal raids down below 10 or 15 minutes then you’re cooking. (200 to 300 bronze/min is really good rn.)

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Yup. I already knew this. Cause I did this. Rip my cloak. rip the gamemode

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Yeah exactly my point, not everyone can do it, but some people have time and they did it all. Like myself, and we got hit because of what? playing the game?

All I see is those casual who dont do content and spent time on forums rather than login and actually farm stuff or do stuff in the game. Then QQ about other people is stronger than them. In real life if someone out there is richer than you would you complain that the world is unfair and they should strip out of their wealth because they work hard?

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News flash! If you play 8 hours a day you can get ahead in the game!


people hate that idea.
they wanna buy wow tokens and afk.
so they can feel like they earned it.

Or, radical idea here, folks could treat the mode as intended and just play for fun!

No worrying about ‘catching up’ or ‘the curve’ or ‘getting ahead’ or any of those other terms that cause people to pit themselves against their follow players and drive themselves crazy mathing, just play the game at the level of play your character is capable of and enjoy the content and have fun with the additional whacked out talents!

As you do, you will build up your character steadily both in stats and in bronze and will eventually be able to tackle all the content in a relaxing, fun way!

Honestly, I swear WoW players have forgotten how to relax and have fun.


Thank you for taking the time to put this together, it’s very informative. I appreciate it!

Oh. And you were being so helpful too.

We all ‘do content’ in one form or another. It may not be the content that you like to do, but that doesn’t bother you, does it?

Again, thanks for sharing your data!

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You don’t have to do them everyday there is like 85 days left. You can do very sparringly and still be upgraded.

This is the conversation we have. I decide how I want to play my game. Not blizzard, not you, not anyone else. Also those all I hear from those cry baby out there are saying “If you are stronger than me, you must be cheating…” blah blah, I could really care less.

Even they said about casuals cannot catch up. Okay, then what they gonna do after they catch up? Farm all the bronze and buy all the things they need? What they plan to do after? They gonna stick around and help other people to clear content? I BET NOT.

This “Remix” is suppose to designed for solo player with optional group content. No one force you to take part in raid highest difficulty at the start or do everything in one day. So what’s the point of comparing people about gap? Once they hit the max they going to quit. Then everything turns silent.

All I hear now is people’s ego and those casual folks that think everything should be handed to them.

Heck, I bet they will even refuse to look up durumuru or dark animus boss when they realize it cannot be zug zug.

Some bosses in all raids drop more bronze than the other bosses.

“I’m going to include heroic raid numbers for my justification for why there’s enough bronze even though clearing heroic requires so much upgrading for the average player to get an invite that they likely never will.”

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You can spend hundreds of hours for the next 80 days if you like. You will still be iLvl 415 when its done, like the guy that spent 2 days getting to 70 and moving on.

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If you are not raiding mythic, all heroic can be done with ilvl 400+ with at least 1000k (avoid one shot)

If you are thinking doing mythic you need to farm full heroics only. This is a step progression that we already have in the current retail.

If you are thinking to solo mythic. You cannot. Even with hard cap stats (you can find it in the wiki) you will not able to solo it. Due to few factors

  1. it take too long, Mythic bosses have Billions of HP, your hard cap cannot one shot it, and it likely will take sometime to kill it. (even boss cannot kill you) At max cloak you represent around 5 players who maxed their ilvl.
  2. due to mechanics, like galakras require 2 cannons. Or other mythic bosses does MCs etc.
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Maybe if you get lucky and get into a group.

Using heroic for numbers is being disingenuous and not helping.


Yes, I figured mythic would not be soloable. People throw that claim around but it’s hyperbolic at best.