Total bronze you can get per day from raids

Exactly my point, so what’s with all the casuals who tries to chase the gap? It is the ego social thing and nothing to do with the game. They just want to give blizz the reason to punish people who play more than them.

The “relax and take it slow” outlook is all well and good, but what you fail to mention or consider is how whacked out scaling was at the beginning for level 70s, which were obviously balanced assuming you had stats on your cloak already, except you didn’t.

So open world trash decimated you with autoattacks, so what do you do?
Well to do content you need to farm bronze/threads, but to do content, you need bronze/threads… this funneled everyone into group open world farms as a means to cross this awkward gap in the scaling,and now they are punished for it?


At the start the scaling was bad due to blizzard’s part. I agree with that, when you are above 65+ you are treated like you are lvl 70. There was a trick and you just do a small group content to farm bronze, as dailies. Back then when I sloted my gears I stopped questing as it no longer provided me with useful exp. I do grind raids but I do not invite people above lvl 65. people need to catch up with ilvl and pre-64 you were pretty much able to solo bosses if your ilvl were caught up even without accessories.

Now, scaling was fixed by blizzard, 65-70 were a bit at ease now, you could still get drops at current ilvl. As long you fill your gems correctly you can farm raids and start with your cache grind.

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Just doing 2 dungeons, 2 scenarios and the quick LFRs (MV, HoF, Terrace) gets me just about enough bronze that I don’t have an issue upgrading my gear.


you’re talking about clearing every single raid every single day? What?? Yeah, maybe when I was 14… C’mon. You can’t be serious.


Yes I understand, I was 70 in the first day an experienced it first hand (I even attempted to circumvent that by hoarding all boxes 65-70,didnt work), and I went to frogs to bridge that gap I was talking about after attempting Normal SoO and getting gear checked by Galakras until the group disbanded.

I’m just pointing out to this this person why its unfair to pass judgement on others for doing what they can to improve their character in a way that suits their playstyle and speed.

That’s been my experience too. Heck even if it took two days instead of one, that’s still a short time compared to the event’s duration. I have 7 more upgrade tiers left. Whether that takes 7 days, 14 days or even 21 days doesn’t make much difference. There will be plenty of time to get the cosmetics later.

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you can’t really “take is slow” when everything costs 2m+ to get and you have less than 90 days.

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People who think these costs are OK and expect us to raid and grind for 10 hours per day are absolutely delusional.

Its a for fun LTM , what a joke.


If it wasn’t for the fact you can level from 10 to 70 in a day and that’s a 60k-90k bronze I probably would’ve quit this event by now.

You should definitely include trash mobs. If you’re getting an extra 50 bronze per minute from trash (definitely feasible in SoO), that’s 1500/hour on top of any extra salvage.

It’s annoying that even though I have 400 ilvl I still get one-shot by mechanics because my cloak does not give as much stamina but Froggermcfrogfartface at 346 who farmed hyper spawns all day while I was at work have 4x my health and can survive anything.

how do you have multiple hours a day every day to run so many raids? And how are you not bored out of your mind farming?

Do you not have a job or a family?

I’d wager most adults can maybe do 1-3 raids PER WEEK, not 5 raids a day.

Yes, the rates are too low for the average person.

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Vaults is the only raid worth doing including the LFR variant. Just make alts and do the dailies. Once they fix upgrade costs it may be worth throwing in some more raid runs on the main.

Well said!
Listed a raid once, in about 10min I had like 30 people applying, each having like 320 ilvl at best.

Heroic ToT and siege are 20k bronze each.
Did all the heroics last night in about 2.5-3 hours

I did all the lfr raids yesterday, because of the thread reward. I go in kill every boss in 8-10 seconds, and everyone along for ride gets free stuff!

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I suspect significantly less than half of the remix playerbase ever sets foot into even a normal raid. Which is especially significant when you consider how hard they tried to force you to take that step via the amulet achievement.

A lot of aspects of this mode seem like social experiments Blizzard is trying to see if they can get people to do things they don’t want to do if they put a big enough reward behind it.


if you think anyone outside yourself cares about “I earned this thing in a vidoegame” you are vastly overestimating how much anyone cares about you.


I think casuals like you are confused about few things.

  1. Hyper spawn farm is not an exploit, even current dragonflight in retail does it. Have you not check the custom finder to see all the 4x4 leather / cloth / farm group that formed? If it is considered as exploit should all those people farm mats in retail be banned too?

  2. you stuck at 346 and you dont do content and expect you can solo raid or get invited to group you are way too simple. If you are a raid lead you dont invite someone to be carried, that happen in retail as well. Do you think if you are a raid lead you would invite ilvl 389 geared into a group to do awaken raid?