Tortollan emissary reward

right… i’m going to need more toes as I’ve run out of fingers.



Only rings here also.

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Spare me.


I’ve seen a lot of posts of people getting repetitive drops consistently. (Same Legs three times in a row, rings, etc.)

I myself have gotten legs twice in a row from 7th legion drops on TWO plate wearing toons in the same day for a total of four leg drops, all of them the same. Something must be broken.


I’ve been starting to think that my Holy paladin is marked to only get bracers the rest of her life lol. I have 5-6 pairs of bracers I’ve got out of mythic+ runs, my cache, and I think even from the warfront box. I wish I could melt all these bracers down into a better weapon haha. I hope that RNJesus smiles upon everyone again here soon lol.

Something is certainty broken with their loot distribution. I had 3 casters, get the same exact items on a weekly basis. Same off hand, same main hand. Same ring, and all were on the same day. Like its almost predetermined on their end what they’re going to give a specific class/role. There is NO way the that should happen in a purely random system. The probability of that happening means I should’ve won the lottery at this point. As well as several other people also posting here.


The tortollan give trinket or rings. Not cloak or bracers.

I wish I could get a trinket on my resto druid. almost 390 and still have a blue 355 trinket from a world quest…

The possible list of rewards is kind of low. You have a chance at 4 rings and 2 trinkets for Strength and Intellect, 3 trinkets if you’re Agility.

You need a toe? Hell, I can getcha a toe - with nail polish - by 4pm. Believe me; you don’t wanna know, Dude.

Buncha freaking amateurs. They send us a toe and we’re supposed to soil ourselves!

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I like your transmog so you’ve got that going for you.

Same idea but I’ve gotten the same ring 3 times in a row.

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Imagine how the people who play trolls feel, they ran out of fingers for rings weeks ago.

Yes, I’ll file that.


All my characters seem to get trinkets from them, luckily 3 of the 5 actually needed the trinket :smile:

I have not done it today but while set for holy I got rings that were a slight upgrade for ret and protection but no trinkets yet.

I think its a fairly small loot table but do not know if where we can check it.

After getting multiple trinkets from them out of previous caches, I was lucky and get a ring today. Now I am done worrying about what is in the box and will just do the quests if I want to complete Paragon.

Did you see the trinket that spawns a Tortollan who yells “A turtle made it to the water!” to help you in combat?


Lucky u!!!

Cant get a trinket period… using a blue from bgs still… turtles always give rings… ugh

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Is there another one? My other trinket slot is 370 “Lion’s Strength”, from that Arathi “patrol”(rares) tank boss thing.

I’ve already got a 385 ring from it also, with my other ring being the 395 “port” one.

Oh, nm, looks like the other one I COULD get is:

I think rather than nerfiing residium, they should have enhanced it.
They should have made a small amount of residium come from all of this junk, when you scrapped it. That would have given people something, even if the item was not an upgrade.

I just keep getting the same ring on the 7 toons I run, each time I do it it just a 5 iLvL upgrade :tired_face: