Tortollan emissary reward

I got an ilvl 415 trinket, so I’m pretty happy :slight_smile:


This is about the Tortollan emissary though. It’s impossible to get a cloak or bracers from it…so really your point is…moot.

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So just got the exact same trinket i got last time on two different toons. The tidal stone on my warlock, and the mastery use trinket on my warrior.

I’m starting to think it’s a very limited item pool. The emissary should be ALL trinkets that can drop from world quests…

Yeah, the pool is very limited.

I need a trinket I keep getting rings. All the rings like it’s the 5th day of Winters Vale up in here. I would sacrifice a demon hunter to the void lords for a trinket.


It would figure they’d put in a trinket emissary but leave out BOTH world quest trinkets that CAN be BIS for affliction >.>

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And here I thought they only gave out rings… what’s a trinket? :wink:


Got lucky with it and got my shaman a enh trinket ftw!time to bring out the dwing weapons soon!

Why are these quest treated differently then turning in Conquest points? We should get a choice between ring or trinket. Almost to the point of just ignoring most of the emissary quest due to the RNG of it all.


Thanks for my ilvl 415 bling :smiley:

I’ve only gotten rings from the quests myself. I’ll be trying today’s emisairy when I get home from work.

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I have gotten the same ring 3 times in a row. Id love a trinket

Gratz thats some sweet luck there share please :smile:

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Still need rank 3 feast :angry:

If i had to guess it’s probably because trinkets are strong in general in this game or only need 3 quests to get it done for the reward is the only thing that i can think of.While the others take a bit longer to get done.

It’s those things you guys keep putting the best ones of on world bosses for some crazy reason.

You’d think you’d have learned your lesson with the Unstable Arcanocrystal in Legion.

Bad Luck Protection wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Such as “cannot have the same slot twice”. Although, how would it track that with all the different sources of gear?

Another idea is, a chance, say… 25-50% that a drop from emissary, etc, is automatically set to your lowest item level gear slot. It’d be BLP in the form of more favorable RNG.

Meanwhile there is a guaranteed 385 ilvl trinket from the conquest reward this week. Blizzard cannot have it one way on the pvp side and another on the pve side.

All I ask for is consistency in how they design this game.

Dang son. lol


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RNG? The turtle emissary that gives a trinket or a ring is a bad joke. On five different 120’s today, it gave me the same “kind” of ring or trinket I already have and of course you cannot equip two of the same “kind”.

They go out of their way to design epic fail.

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