Tortollan Allied race MEGATHREAD šŸ¢

How much love can we get for our ancient knowledge friends? All the basis is in the game to make them an allied race, they can be pandas 2.0 and choose a side.
The only problem is the shell and cape mog because of it but the solution was in the 8.3 reveal. Mechagnomes cant even xmog shoes glove wrists pants, half the belts, yet they are an allied race which opens way for

We also know Queen Azshara attempted to kill Nā€™zoth and now she isnā€™t our enemy, next xpac may sneek Azshara and her naga into a playable race, or those that turn against her + tortollan to fight her. Much the horde and alliance can gain from the ancient lore and wisdom/magics that tortollan have.
They would be playable on either faction because what is truly important to a tortollan is knowledge and stories to pass down. A tortollan would not go completely to one faction, they would make a choice of which side of history theyā€™d want to be on for tales.

classes -confirmed

p.s. if they arenā€™t a neutral race like pandas then plz give them to alliance they earned it since the horde GOT MEGA AWESOME FOX PPL A UNIQUE RACE RATHER THAN A SUB RACE LIKE ALL OTHER ALLIED RACES! remember tht dev ā€œallied races arenā€™t sub racesā€ blizz forgetsā€¦ā€¦. oppsā€¦ remember when tht dev stated tht, ā€œlets throw in vulpera to the horde, they get the only non sub race allied races vulpera + nightborne, maybe alliance may consider gnomes who chop off their limbs and replace with mechanical parts a new raceā€¦ instead of giving full on mechagnomes from uldaurā€¦ or even the nazjatar akoanā€


Oh jeeblus no

We led most of their kin to the water a million times over ā€¦ Let them stay in there

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i donā€™t think every race we encounter should be added as an allied raceā€¦i think itā€™s actually cool to have neutral races in the gameā€¦specifically races like the tortollansā€¦

although the collector kojo guy in armor looks really cool!

but i can think of 3-4 other races that are way ahead in line before a new race like tortollansā€¦that prolly couldnā€™t fill a chapter in a wow novel right now.

i think growth for characters/races/whatever should be emphasized more before they add these allied races.


GIVE US an allied race reward from saving all them turtles!