Tormentors of torghast bugged

I had been working on my “breaking the chains” achievement late into last season and since TWW pre patch landed the Tormentors of Torghast event in the maw is constantly bugged where no percent bar will ever appear. I have checked it 7 or 8 times now and its the same every time.


Same. I’m in Cocyrus right now and there’s no progress bar. I’ve killed all the groups of elites and the boss hasn’t spawned (Mugrem the Soul Devourer, which is the last boss I have to kill for the Minions of the Cold Dark achievement).


Also saw this issue twice today. At 3:05pm EST and 9:05pm EST 8/3/2024. I changed zones, relogged, walked in and out of the torment area, and tried turning on war mode. Nothing seemed to show the progress bar when in the torment zone.

Would really love to see any interaction with this issue from the Devs. I understand new expansions are going to be the focus, but this isn’t asking for NEW content, it’s asking for OLD content they broke to be fixed.


I was so close to finishing that achievement “breaking the chain”… This is so frustrating.

They seem to ignore that shadowlands happened these days. It’s still bugged after the reset if you were wondering.

still broken btw

Still broken. None of the previous fixes work.

This isn’t the only event affected by this bug. It appears any event where there were progress bars or quest instructions have been deleted by the 11.0 patch. Other examples include garrison invasions, the Big dig event in Azure span, etc.


Still bugged :frowning:

yep still bugged. annoying af!

I’ve reported this bug as well. Still broken as of today (8/19). Would very much like an update on when we can expect these events to be playable again.


Hey Blizz, this is still bugged! Please fix this so us achievement junkies can get our fix!! :slight_smile:


still not fixed

I did the Big Dig without issue, but definitely ran into the Tormentors of Torghast bug.

Still bugged as of 8/28/24’s maint

i did not do alot of maw, korthia, torg, or mortis back during SL

so i have been hitting it all recently

  • tormentors event, i have been at the point where the icon gives a timer within minutes to start, other players were there too, timer is gone, everything with a buff in area that causes mobs to glow are sweep killed, 3 soul forge type elites spawn with 2 pats and are killed, players sweep the area again and again no main boss elites ever spawn. players puzzled and asking questions in chat. i did the event years ago, got a hand mount, not a memory issue the event now is broken

  • hunt shadehound, this randomly does not work, you kill all the marked yellow dot on map related mobs, shadehound does not go into cave, one week this would not work for me or other players. hand to wait the full week+ of rotations, that time it was working for someone else i got a tag in the cave

  • assaults, i have not been working on the meta achieve linked to these, i see alot of players in chat ask if some side quests are missing, if others have them, players mention they have brought other alts in, had their friends check etc, one of two meta achieve side quests missing, dame one every week, or bugged all are missing.

only assault i was really focused on was the necro assault on perdition and this time the quest i needed for the other hand mount was up. there were others not so lucky


Yup, it’s bugged.

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Still bugged. I’ve submitted multiple bug reports.

Still not working and i also submitted a report about the Hunt: Death elementals not spawning. Its the only thing Im missing for the meta achievement. :frowning: