Styyyyyja lights cigarette is just useless. Also, I can do in torghast on my dk and by the time i get to the final boss, cast death gate, have all four horsemen, icy chains, frostwyrm’s, let them finish it for me while they taunt back and forth. Literally just wait around for them to finish. Others times, it’s a rough ride because I got a bad slot machine
Same on my mage, with the right slot machine, poly the boss wait thirty seconds and it explodes for half its health as soon as I can slow. Then i timewrap, mirror, blink 6 times for 6 more mirrors who are casting arcane blast not frostbolt and it’s a cakewalk with the frost nova glyph. But, get a bad slot machine and I just gotta hope I can outdps the debuff.
Such a broken boringly easily or rage inducing impossible end to every run. I really miss the previous dev team.
Torghast could have been so good. They messed up.
Layer unlocks should have been acc wide from beginning.
We should be able to do 1 twisting corridors run for soul ash weekly
Twisting corridors weekly run should also drop a piece of gear how 5 masks used to
By the end of TC, I can infinitely CC the boss and run around for 15 - 20 minutes like a chicken with my head cut off until it dies, but it does die.
Edit: That was also like 20… 25 ilvls ago. I’m sure it would die faster now.
Torghast? you can do each week wing (layer 8) finding 4 other players with the group finder in about 30 minutes… I really enjoy torghast, got the mount from twisting corridors on january the 12Th and continue doing TC layer 8 with diferent groups, I find it very fun and crazy with all the powers you get by the final floors.
That’s not posible, one character can’t run so fast to get to the sixth floor in less than 4 minutes… even if there were no mobs inside torghast.
Look at the link I put in the post.
all i see it’s a video with twice the normal speed… can’t you see how the mobs move? LOL
As I say on a of these threads
It’s not hard
It’s worse than that.
Its dull, boring, monotonous and tedious. Which is exponentially worse.
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You must be off somewhere not on the link I posted. Even if they sped up the video to be twice as fast, it wouldn’t change the time on livesplit. And if they changed livesplit to have the timer not time at the correct speed, it wouldn’t be a verified run on We don’t take kindly to cheaters in the speed running community.
They tuned it accordingly.
Most classes had powers that are so terrible that mob ramping made it impossible for those classes to progress.
I thought it was easy and worse than visions. Just because of the rewards. Also having to pay gold for legendary gear is a joke. Should just be earned through the tower, not the additional cost.
This I actually agree with. I don’t mind putting in the effort to grind out the things I want, but on some servers getting a rank 4 legendary costs upwards of 150k gold depending on the slot. Some slots are even over 200k.
Sincere question- no trolling- have you considered just farming the floors you’ve been able to successfully complete and not do the higher ones for now? Maybe until you get better gear or something?
I think torghast is super fun but I do think it’s missing some things. I say cosmetic / non power rewards like island expeditions had
Torghast now feels like a shell of what it could be. I didn’t keep up with development so I’m not sure what the original plan was.
So took your guys advice and did a lvl 4 Upper Reaches. Beat the last guy and I feel totally unrewarded still. Got my 375 soul ash and don’t feel rewarded at all. It wasn’t fun. It was a mandatory crap run and to cap I have to do this 3 more times this week? Freakin’ ridic…
Here’s how I think they could fix it though and I hope Blizz takes this recommendation seriously:
Make the power where you can see mobs carrying anima powers an ability you get right away straight from the beginning. This way you dont have to remove your horrible idea from the game but people can def. skip through it faster by cherry picking.
We understand you made a horrible decision/addition to the game that’s so integral you cant remove it but please take the high road and ameliorate it.
Blizzard made Torghast to keep the Twitch community happy. For the average player, it is the worst zone of any expansion in WoW history.
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I find it quite fun stacking insane powers although I’d recommend doing it as a group. Sure, it’s easy enough to solo but it’s a bit boring. Not only does it become easier with scaling and some crazy synergies but you get people to talk to if you do it with guildies and/or friends.
Because of the ash drop scaling you can also do it on easier difficulties and still get a decent amount of ash. There’s no need to do a Layer 8. You’ll max out your legendries soon enough.
yeah fun, like the first 10 times, then its no longer novel and its no longer fun. Its just the same ol’ same ol’
It woulda been a fun side activity. Making it a mandatory slog every week was a terrible idea. It makes me wish I chose a class better suited to speed run it. The part that is fun is getting the powers to become crazy OP. The part that isn’t is feeling very weak without those powers. Regrinding 5 floors of this just to smoke the level 6 boss is mind numbing. It’s the worst part of the weekly reset.