I did a run like two weeks ago because I had some time to kill before going to see the Doc. It was very effective In spending like an entire hour just one run of Torghast. I can’t believe people do these every week. For Soul Ash? My gosh Player Power Is a sickness brought on by the Devs, It’s not good.
First off, how long are you in torghast to begin with? It should take like half an hour, maybe forty five minutes tops. Is ninety minutes a week really so awful?
Second, monks have an absolute cheese build with stacking the vivify power
Three, monks can also cheese by going tank or healer which are significantly easier
Four, you can do it with a group.
Five, you could have multiple rank four legendaries at this point. You could have been done a while ago if you just did it and got it over with. Also, you can just decide to be done with it now, 210 is more than adequate for the content you are doing
If they delete Torghast I might start playing again. Worst content ever.
You don’t have to do it lol
Great advice seeing the entire main campaign is in it. It’s garbo.
It’s literally one run on the easiest setting, or three if you do the first boss three times.
If it’s really so unbearable for you, you can find a friend to carry you through it, or just pony up and do it. Or, if it’s really so miserable, you absolutely can choose to not do it
They don’t want to be logical about it, they want to be mad.
Nah, will give it a miss. Played like 1 hour past 3 weeks in WoW, I’m done. Game is just a mess, cyas.
Cool, no skin off my back. Peace.
My problem with torghastly is it was labeled as a solo experience but, the end of the run is only able to be completed by some classes with a group, I was looking forward to another solo gameplay option but I do not raid or PvP so my gear is not that amazing, currently in at 190 IL balance druid and can only clear certain wings as a balance druid solo as a guardian I’m good but I hate playing guardian I feel if it is supposed to be solo able it should be for every class and every spec. How can that be fixed? So now the only time I go in is when it comes up as part of my covenant s weekly. I don’t go in there just to have fun because yeah…it’s really not fun at all plus there are no cool rewards I get in return for those efforts.
Someone in an office suit threw up a bunch of graphs showing how profitable rouge-like where and one of the other drones said “We need this in our game!”
Boom. Torghost.
I like torghast. Even my brand new alts can pull off a 4 or 5 for the week. It’s quick and can be a lot of fun, especially when you figure out new classes. My hunter wasn’t that interesting as its rather slow and plodding, but then when I took a warlock in there I had a blast. A brand new 60 that I didn’t even buy BOEs for was able to do a 4, have a pet with nearly 200k hp, and melt the final boss in a few seconds. Made me giggle. I haven’t found a way to combine skills to do that on a hunter yet.
It’s not that it’s hard, it’s that it’s boring and soul draining. If it took less time i would be all over it but ugh.
It’s definitely a different experience for other classes. I have absolutely no fun running it as a balance druid unless you are super geared and manage to get a lot of dps and health improving anima powers you get wrecked . And since I dislike other druid specs I don’t find it fun. Maybe it would be different on my warrior or hunter alt but druid is and always has been my main and I’m disappointed in m overall experience in torghastly. oh well
The only thing boomkin might need is a more reliable interrupt. They should absolutely nuke anything in there
Boring =/= alt friendly.
Maw is worthless
lol, with the right power and class you can do layer 8 of the main wings of torghast in less then 4 minutes.
damn thread is kind all over the place, some people are talking about normal Torghast which is 6 floors and super easy, if you have +200ilvl you can probably without without even getting anima powers
other people are talking bout TC, TC is suppose to be challenge and I think its great there are plenty of improvements to be had but its quite fun for people who enjoy solo content and don’t mind a challenge.
Now the problem that I see is that a lot people try to do it with low ilvl and that’s not ideal while it can be done solo its also suppose to be a challenge and just like MT having the right ilvl will change things
Well hasn’t been my experience that’s for sure