Torghast, Unceasing chain link anima

Known problem feels better than unacknowledged problem, so high five!


Wow, I just ran another Twisting Corridors Layer 8 because apparently I’m a sadist, and between floor 17 and floor 18 I dropped from 100+ powers to 80, then flickered between 80 and 81 powers each time Kosarus killed me.

Leather apron definitely vanished, not sure what the others were.

As usually, Felt pretty bad to go from a three hour solid feeling run to ending by getting beat around by Kosarus of all the bosses without being able to tell how much was my fault and how much was powers deserting me :frowning:

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The one will disappear too

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Thank goodness I have a group to run it with. Really hoping this gets fixed


Was just checking this forum again to see if Blizzard has responded. Apparently they have not and the daily hotfixes still have neglected it. Was going to try another stab at TC but will still be holding off. Ugh, because I was really enjoying it.

One of the posters here (the real MVP) was able to get a response through Twitter but the weekend happened, it’s on more of the radar at least now:

So maybe we’ll see some more traction in a couple of days.


Just confirming this still happens. Did Torghast earlier today for a calling, got two stacks of Unceasing Chain Link on the 2nd floor, one of them disappeared while fighting an elite (I think a Lord of Torment?) on the 4th floor, the other disappeared while AoEing a group of 7 enemies on the 5th floor.

Also as an experiment when I got my first stack I just went and sat there doing nothing for 15 minutes, just to see if that’d do anything or make it feel like it disappeared faster, but it felt like it took about the usual amount of mob kills before it disappeared on me.

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It’s not just Unceasing Chain Link. Other powers stop working and/or proc’ing.


Also occurring with the Shadow Armaments and Leather Apron too can confirm.


I was waiting to see if any hotfixes would be posted today, and I didn’t see any - So want to keep this alive.


Correct, it happens with most stackable Rogue ones aside from the Shadowstep CD reduction.


Eviscerate is safe right? I haven’t noticed it fall off yet.

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Evi and the Shadow Step CD are 2 that I have yet to see fall off.

Unceasing Chain link is the biggest offender, but it also seems to happen to Shadow Araments, and Leather Apron for sure. I am sure others as well, but I haven’t looked in to all of them.


The last blade (eviscerate) drops for me, but not dramatically compared to unceasing chain link. I’ve seen it go from five stacks to four on my runs before.

Shadowstep CD I’ve also never noticed a drop on.

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This was not addressed in tonight’s hot fix, my rogue continues to lose unceasing chain link and other powers while running Torghast.


Yep! I just saw the notes and came back to bump/check this thread! haha >.> Come on Blizz.


I haven’t seen the Evi, but I truly do take your word that it has happened haha


I don’t think this will ever get fixed lol.

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Patch 9.3 Notes

Unceasing Chain Link’s tooltip has been updated to read Ceasing Chain Link.


Jan 20th Hotfixes - Still no mention of this bug.

Blizz, I’m not setting foot back in that wretched place until this is fixed.