Torghast Storyline bug

I read today that the Torghast Storyline would be unlocked so ppl could catch up. However, Bolvar stopped giving me quests after I completed ! 1. Torment Chamber: Jaina .
I believe the next one would be 1. Finding a Witness .
Maybe I miss understood, but I tought the whole quest chain would be unlocked. Is it a bug or not?


YOU ARE NOT ALONE, I too are having this issue, its been a daily reset and still not showing up, im pretty sad cuz I wanna finish so I can do twisting corridors this week

I found this

Having the same issue as well.

You read wrong. Parts of the storyline are no longer time gated. Those parts are the time between getting the clues quest to the saving quest. You can still only save one major character each week. Next week, you will get the clues to Thrall quest followed by saving Thrall. Once you have saved Thrall, you will then get the quest to unlock the Twisting Corridors.

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Thanks, do you have a source on this? I haven’t found anything and the hotfix notes don’t say this either.

The hotfix notes say “Removed some of the weekly delays between certain Bolvar Fordragon Torghast storyline quests.” with some being the operative word.

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Right but you laid out some pretty precise parameters for how it works now, do you have a source on those? Or is it just an assumption based on the word “some.”

Blizzard employee stating that Wowhead has the information.

That is a link to the state of the questline before the hotfix, stating that you can only do one step each week, which currently isn’t true.

That was posted YESTERDAY after the hotfix.

Directly from the article you linked:

This next reset, players that have been keeping up with Bolvar quests in Oribos and Torghast will be able to unlock the Twisting Corridors wing in the Tower of the Damned. Unlike other multi-week quest chains, there is no catch up, so players that haven’t completed each weekly quest will have to wait to venture to the Twisting Corridors, as only one quest is available each week.

Steps to Unlock Twisting Corridors

Below are the steps required to unlock Twisting Corridors. The first step becomes available after a character completes The Search for Baine during the second chapter of their Covenant Campaign. Currently, you can only do one step per week. This means if you are on step 3, it will take you another 4 weeks to unlock Twisting Corridors on that character.

At the top it says: “Posted 2 days ago.”

And Wowhead gets their information from Blizzard. IF a player kept up with the weekly Bolvar quests, then they could unlock TC after the reset. If not, it also states that there is no catch up.

Did I just step into the Twilight Zone? There is a catchup, they removed time gating, I literally did several steps in the chain on my alt today, so they are not limited to one per week anymore. Look, maybe you think you are being helpful, but really you are just being condescending, which is a bad look when you actually don’t know what you’re talking about? Thanks anyway.

No, they removed SOME of the time gating. SOME, not all as you imply.

I just saved Jaina, she teleported out so I left the dungeon, Now I am unable to find her?

Now you go turn in the quest to Bolvar and she is there.

So what certain quests are not time gated anymore? Just seems odd they will take some quests off time gate but keep others.

Edit: It seems like some people got the follow up quest for Thrall but some didn’t.

Yeah this is pretty annoying, seems like I’m the only one out of my friend group who couldn’t go past Jaina this week. Very lame.

They were able to progress after Jaina’s quest?

If so, this is indeed a bug.