Torghast soft timer removed?

And why is this a bad thing? you seriously believe some1 clearing thorgast in 7 hours with the worst optimization possible should get same rewards than some1 doing it in 45 mins? you gotta be on crack to believe that.


The existence of bonus loot for “prompt completion” (whatever that means) is the exact same concept as the original torments were as far as how they were described as timers.

Neither version bothered me, but it’s funny to read the initial responses in this thread talking about how this is a great change and they removed them except now they appear to be giving us an literal actual timer telling us where the “bonus” loot starts and stop. And eventually we all know that players are going to view the “bonus” loot as loot they must get to maximize their runs and we’ll be right back to where we started.

Lol I don’t know - I’m perfectly fine with the change. If I’m in Torghast and life calls . . . life calls - that’s life isn’t it? I couldn’t ask Blizz to literally sculpt their game systems to fit my mold of “I might need to take a call - so make sure this end game content fits my specific IRL commitments.” That’s taking it a little far.

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If you can’t beat the time, accept the complementary reward

Rewarding more effort was definitely the way to go. Incentive to over achieve while not punishing those who don’t.

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People should just know where their skill ends, they should be aware of how good/bad they are and and their limits, so if they just get the base rewards, take it and be happy, the game doesnt reward bad play, and it shouldnt ever.


Wow amazeing looks like ill be pre-buying soon!

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Over this change really…?

Now I want them to put exclusive goodies for timed runs and you know it’s gonna happen

Just like visions, if you don’t beat Thrall/alleria, accept the complementary reward

Now coming for torghast:

Don’t beat the timer? Ok here’s your baseline rewards while the guy who timed it well can get all the great rewards/faster progressing

On the original concept is NO timers. Something HITTING me if I don’t move every 30 seconds is a timer.

We all have real life emergencies we need to attend to. I’m sorry I can’t go to the bathroom in 30 seconds.

I am still not happy with this change. I won’t be happy until I once again have the power to sit for 5-10 minutes like I had in OLD dungeons before the zoomers came in and ruined everything.


That’s fine

You can accept that basic reward when you do finish your run while the others who did time it can have all the great rewards

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it’s the only thing that was keeping me at maybe i loved all the info for shadowlands except that part and i could careless if speed runners get rewarded more ilvl i can still get legendarys from the tower regardless.Tier gear is coming back at one point as well big plus.

Yes actually. Couple of reasons for that, but ultimately I totally believe in the concept of creating content and saying if you complete it you get the reward for doing it. It’s the way all content before M+ has always worked and now everyone is trying to use completion time as the metric for how good or bad you are.

Also if you spend 7 hours clearing torghast and I spend 45 minutes that means I finished 9 runs and am a third through my 10th by the time you finished your first. Assuming the reward is the same consistency guess who walks out with a helluvalot more rewards for playing efficiently? The reward of being timely is already baked into it, you don’t need to give further incentive to people who can clear faster for it to be more rewarding.

You’re equating slow to being bad and that’s asinine.


A bonus for doing it fast is fine. Forcing doing it fast is bad.


Can bet that they would guarantee you that the speed runner rewards offer pets/illusions, quicker materials for said legendaries and perhaps something like exclusive

Like how in visions, do the basic runs get a 445 gear with little corrupted mementos

Do all 5 masks and run and get a 470 gear plus slot of mementos for your said mount/backpack

Please read my posts before you answer them. I have absolutely no beef with people getting more loot if they get it done faster.

That’s fine by me.

I want to be able to answer a emergency phone call and not have to worry about getting wacked by some monster because it lasts longer then 30 seconds!! I don’t think that’s too much to friggen ask!

At least move 30 seconds to every 2 minutes so people can address an emergency.

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If an emergency pops up IRL sometimes you just gotta take the L my guy.

Getting killed in WoW ain’t the worst thing.


Regardless i don’t feel forced into it anymore i can just relax or speed whatever i feel like i hate forced stuff on me i might speed on my main but not on alts ext.

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And accept this

Don’t have a cow when your rewards are basic while the speed runner gets all the nice stuff

I actually like this change because If there’s goodies that you like, better prepare yourself to be better

I should not have to get killed at all due to a 30 second mechanic in a supposedly “timerless” tower run.

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I actually think they might need to rehash those. If people want to be able to take legitimate AFK breaks for any particular reason the DoT and the mobs spawning will defeat the ability to do that and if they’re going to go with bonus loot for prompt completion then they don’t really need something to keep people from going AFK for cooldowns.