Torghast - Patrician Cromwell

So tried numerous time and this dude is broken like no others. One shots players barely 20 seconds in the fight, or becomes impossible to interrupt with a perfectly coordinated group and then murders everyone.

Anyone else having the same issues? the Gargoyle boss is also hard but I feel its doable. Cromwell: no.


Yeah it felt a little out of whack for sure, that particular boss was clearly not tuned for freshies. Granted I was solo and had made the assumption I could breeze through the 2nd layer with ease so I hadn’t bothered full clearing the earlier floors which left me a little underprepared. But even had I not phoned that part in I suspect the fight would have still been nigh impossible. Part of me thinks maybe I missed something, like there’s some mechanic of his you can use against him, but if there is I didn’t stumble upon it.

In any case, the next guy I fought was a total joke by comparison which leads me to suspect this guy was just grossly overtuned.

not at all.

Brewmaster, ilvl 173… rolled my way through floor 1-5 without getting half the stuff I could, had no issue on the guy.

one of the thing he drop on the ground grow so you have to move him between interrupts, but that’s about it.

( on layer 3 of course)

I had a pretty easy time with this dude as an affliction lock, but I have a sneaking suspicion pet classes have a major advantage over non pet classes in soloing Torghast.

How did you manage to do it as aff? I couldn’t get her past 25%, not enough interrupts so stop dark bolt volley from destroying me.

Don’t see a issue with him did later three taking my time gathering stuff at Ilvl 138 not a single death he’s really not that bad. Mabye get some better gear or go with a group to help you.

This is as a prot pally as a note.

So 1st attempt as Marksman with 24 Anima Power traits did everything didn’t not clear a room Ilvl 157, nah got screwed.

Alright, I’ll try again on Survival, nope same problem even worse as a Melee.

Annoying, but let’s try with a 5-man maybe a Tank and Healer oughta fix my issues, nope he’s even worse on a 5-man.

The guy was flagged on the Beta for being quite Overtuned as well if I recall it would not surprise me if they just didn’t fix him.

To those claiming it’s easy, it high key likely has to do with low Ilvl.

EDIT: Another thing that doesn’t help is just how fast Unnatural Power starts flooding in, I understand the reasoning but this fight is not helpful at all with it, it starts feeling doable but by the 4th stack of Unnatural Power you might as well die.

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I guess you didn’t hear, but it’s much easier the lower ilvl you are so, clearly at 138 as a prot paladin you aren’t going to have an issue.

Holy hell I just got destroyed by this Boss. Best attempt was like 25%. It hits like a bloody truck.

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What layer are you guys talking about doing it on?

Layer 2 for myself.

honestly i dont remember specifically, buuuuut i do remember that run getting a great power set up. Instant cast pet is a must, and i had the stacking pet hp, a bunch of pet damage, and a few stat amps.

i swear as i was failing second layer as ret i thought to myself…if I had avenging shield I could kneel this place so easily it’d be boring.

maybe important of note: all people having an easy time are solo tanks or pet classes, especially on this particular boss, everyone else… no

makes you wonder.

Does seem kind of bs that the boss has the ability to move while casting and melee while casting certain casts so no matter what you do or interrupt, you’re still getting trashed one way or another.

Hey voidwalker/felhunter here, not an easy time at all

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I had no issues, tho i do torghast as disc so end bosses are sort of a joke.

How are they a joke? How are you doing 300k dps before it hits a 10 stack of Unnatural Power and not 1 shotting you?

He has way less health if you do it as a solo tank or healer spec, they all do.

try it as shadow its not easy… thanks to your post i did it as disc… was very simple… looks like ill do torgast as disc now

melee gets screwed? Imagine that!