Hey guys, while doing floor 6 on the 3rd layer of the Soulforge (i think) wing, I noticed that the spell “Ocular Beam” of the Observer Zelgar focuses you directly other than cast a beam that allows the player to move around. The reason i suspect it is a bug is because I saw a “Yumytv” video where he faces the boss and the beam is properly working, but I’ve tried two times (in party and alone) and the beam casts on top of one player and it doesn’t allow you to move around.
Could you please confirm if this is intended? Thank you so much.
Edit: just did the other wing, three floors no problem at all.
Still no hotfix for this. Unbalanced garbage. about the only class able to progress past this is paly
Yeah have to agree this is a bug, the ability is obviously tuned with the expectation it’ll be avoided whenever possible, and it makes him very badly overtuned for normal comps. He’d frankly be hard enough without the ability whatsoever on current tuning.
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Yeah, I’m having the same problem with Observer Zelgar today.
I’m doing Torghast, and everything is expected difficulty until I get to Observer Zelgar. It goes from “relatively easy and chill” to panic. And this is with popped trinkets, Dark Soul: Misery, and Dareglare, so I start the fight with a huge burst of DPS.
I’m running as an affliction warlock, and I’m pulling every trick in the book and even start hard-casting fresh voidwalkers (5.1 sec cast) when the one tanking gets to half health and I still can only get him down to about 15% before my demon dies and I can’t get a new demon out quickly enough to not die myself.
And my healthstone, kyrian phial, shadowfury, fel domination, etc. are all on cooldown by the time he gets to 50% health. I’m not neglecting to use cooldowns or buffs (although I didn’t try fear yet, mostly because bosses are usually immune).
I don’t mind a challenge, but not even the elite giants patrolling around the world (barring the ones meant for a party of 5 or more to take on) hit my voidwalker this hard. Yeah, I have to get a fresh one or two out…but not back-to-back without time to refresh dots.
It’s really wild (meaning: frustrating, even for a veteran player), and I hope someone takes a look at it.
I just encountered this on my druid. The only way I managed was to root him and out range it entirely 
Good to see I’m not the only one realizing this boss is broken a f.
Stacking damage, a beam that isn’t dodgable because he turns to face you no matter where you are. And gg if you don’t have more than one interrupt.
Came here to ask the same thing. Was the final boss on my floor and is impossible to beat with that focused beam. Feels like that’s supposed to be a beam that only shoots in a straight line and you dodge it.
he would be soooo easy if this bug wasnt a thing, am v sad, wont be wasting my time in here until i see there is a fix.
Yeah, this boss looks very bugged. It looks like his beams should be a channel at you or around the room, but if you teleport he INSTANTLY turns to you and you’re toast. Blowing every CD and stun, doesn’t help against the beam. Frustrating because the boss drops several class lego recipes.
Fix this broken a f boss. Just spent an hour and a half working carefully with 146 ilevel to get to layer 3. Floor 6 of Soulforges only for this pos boss to show up with his broken mechanics.
Only Boss I’ve managed to beat so far on my 151 rogue. Got the secret spices buff and just tried to keep him stunnlocked so he couldn’t cast.
Zelgar’s beam has been stealth-nerfed by about 90% as of today. If, like me, you used to have trouble with this boss, he is now pretty easy as long as you stay out of the swirlies on the floor.
I’m merely on the second layer and it wiped the floor with me. I did a full clear up to this boss. Almost had him the first time with a 30% potion. After that, it was impossible.
The beam isn’t the issue. It’s that focused blast that it spams more times than you have interrupts.
Also on the 2nd floor and his abilitys no matter how many times u interupt hit hard and lock on u i was even down the stairs and abilities were going through the wall and hitting me. His beam u can out distance but the focus blasts cant be interupted and they hit for 5k each and he casts like 6 of them at a time. if they could be interupted then i get it but they cant i interupted it like 5 times and he still casted them. as a mage i was able to ice block through the first round but then he closed the distance on me and the beam hit me as i came out the block and would not let me even blink out of it and focused me and killed me. And i tryed this for all my lives thinking i was missing something only to have the same result each time. I also had 23 anima power upgrades that let me wipe the floors with ease. For the 2nd layer this guy is either bugged or WAY over powered and needs tuning.
Just beat him with my 143 Warrior. Very difficult.
I was using heroic leap and door of shadows to run behind the ramp pillars to avoid damage and heal with second wind and also buy time for cooldowns/potions.
Took me a few tries to get the strategy down and then he died pretty easily.
Hope this helps some people
Worked my way up to this monster on the third floor only to have him kill me and then keep killing me at the door. He would not drop combat. This guy is a real pain in the butt. Nothing worse than putting in the time just to end up on this turd of a boss.
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Managed to do it as a Guardian Druid i146. No chance in Feral. Took every combination of heal with Restoration Affinity talent and some good luck to do it after 5 or so attempts. Definitely hard and totally understandable why so many are having problems.
Needs to be fixed.
Did not have a problem with him last night. Kite him to the edge of the room to start, then run opposite. He has to stand still to cast the beam. Just outrange him by running at an angle. If you have the speed boost from along the walls then you can use the walls to slingshot yourself forward as a melee. As a ranged I used that feature, but I didn’t need it as much as I thought I would. Bought all those extra deaths for nothing, as I didnt use a one the entire time even after changing covenants from necro, which was admittedly easier for torghast, to venthyr which is kitier, but fits my playstyle better.
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As Shadow I was using the “Fade dummy” and the Fade CD reduction to have him/it target the Fade dummy for as much as possible.
As a mage I tried kiting him up and down the stairs but eventually I couldn’t interrupt him anymore. I guess I just have to pray I get the knock up fireblast ability? Maybe then its doable? idk. Got him to 34% before there was literally nothing I could do
EDIT: Went to the upper reaches layer 3 and got/killed another boss, its amazing how simple things can be depending on the fight/powers. Was still in 155 gear when I did it so maybe it’ll be easier once I get heroic dung gear. I also had probably the worst anima power set up you could have… might be able to pull off the stair strat with some more practice and a bit more oomphf.