Torghast Nerfs

Why was torghast nerfed? It was so much fun. Now Torghast is a pushover and way to easy. Stop catering to the casual mouth breathers. Now Torghast is sorta boring because it’s so easy. Maybe people should research their class and understand how to play before they can speak about nerfing any content. These nerfs ruin content for people that want an actual challenge.

Twisting corridors is the challenge area. Which by blizzard statements its starting diff is significantly harder than the other wings.

If you want a challenge go there the other wings are a farm are as shown by the nerfs.

The nerfs did not ruin the challenge for those that want it for that simple fact. If they start nerfing twisting other than balancing it between classes you would have a point but they have not done so at this point as we have not seen it yet to even know the starting diff.


Torghast was trash before the nerfs. Piss off


Here you go: Updating Torghast this Week

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I liked the difficulty of Torghast before the nerfs. Now I do it on auto drive… not paying attention to much other than traps… I really did find myself enjoying pre nerf with friends. The challenge, for me, was rewarding, and consequently made me a better player. Now my skills become dull just daydreaming as I play. For me, Blizz nerfed too hard when they nerfed.

Because it was a terrible long boring slog that gave little rewards and most people would die on the boss after spending a ton of time in there?

I mean if you want stupid difficulty then go play Dark Souls with no armor and no weapons

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