Torghast Leaderboards?

I honestly don’t take it to heart.

What’s important is that they spend their time thinking about me, their hero, Shudder.

Then you won already in my book well done i just ignore them and play wow mostly now forums gotten boring with how modded it is you can’t even say anything to much or get banned lately .

I’d rather they not. Not every single thing needs to be a competition.

I don’t even like the thought of timers in the thing.

At least with this you could choose to not compete. I hate the idea of the torments as well.

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This is how it’s done people, without a doubt the most positive response I’ve seen for some time and it’s 2 people disagreeing with each other.

Shudder, you rock man, much love my friend!

Ionys, great attitude bud, let’s see more of you here. :wink:


the current mentality of how non timed content is already won’t change that. people feel pressured to already speed run basic content like normal dungeons, M0, even raiding. this is WITHOUT any debuffs implemented.

nor would putting a leader board benefit this situation as well.

If you dont find any enjoyment in the content simply dont do it. if you want to progress do it. what people SHOULD be complaining about when it comes to this is the fact that due to lack of class balancing certain classes will have to work harder to get up further with the torments NOT because it has soft timers.

that is when we Hit back to M+ issues in the sense meta classes have easier time doing said time content where as other who are capable have to work much harder.

What? Not enough epeen material in the game already?

The people doing Torghast right now on Alpha are complaining about the Torments, not broken tactics (of which there are plenty).

Blizzard needs to stop trying to control our characters for us (or at least give us built-in botting if they want to control our characters so badly).

Kind of like rifts, without the rewards.

There is no balance in Torghast. You are a god.

Go play Diablo 3. Now imagine you have 50 powers in Kanai’s cube. That’s the scale of power we are talking about here.

Trying to balance this perfectly (or even close) across classes will completely suck the fun out.

exactly my point why would you want a leader board tied to this when classes are not balance same exact thing as M+ issue. there is a reason why people want to play meta classes putting a leader board won’t solve the OP’s issue.

Hence why the leaderboards would be divided into three categories - solo by class, solo all classes, and groups.

Exactly the same as Diablo leaderboards, afaik.

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