Torghast is ruined. GJ Blizz

That was nine days ago. In nine days you went from “SL is inexcusable” to “This is literally the best state of the game”.

If you switch up this rapidly, I think the last thing you need to be talking about is Stockholm Syndrome because there’s gotta be some type of bipolar going on

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Torghast on a rogue is easy, I just bring a Druid tank and a balance Druid with me

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Like that was hard to do .

I will agree more powers could definitely help. Though, the End Bosses, the Torments and the overall power of mobs does need a serious overhaul. Especially if they hope for Torghast to have any longevity to it.

And I WANT it to have longevity. Because it has serious potential. But it requires they swallow their pride and admit they screwed up on the raw power curve for mobs inside Torghast. When its Good, its Good and Fun. When they screw up the Curve, its not just Bad, its “leave, start over, hope you get a better run next time.”

And nobody likes to waste their time.

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Torghast should have been the one area where players could get overpowered abilities and just have fun instead of stressing out over stupid overtuned bosses.


I just wish I could take one class in and have as much fun as I do on a completely different class. Between sin rogue, ele shaman, and prot pally it’s like I’m dealing with a schizo. Pally is just flat out fun, shaman seems to mix fun and challenging and rogue is just a nightmare.

I remember them promising (hah!) that it’d be something that everyone from Casuals to Elites would have fun with.

Unless they were talking about the endless mode which was either scrapped or is locked behind completing a lot of other stuff.

If the Endless mode uses the same power curve ‘rules’ that normal Torghast uses, it certainly WON’T be fun for casuals.

I simply speak up because my first taste of Torghast was “ok, I see potential for this to be fun and last the entire expansion.” After I did like 2-3 islands, I realized it wasn’t going to have longevity. But there was something about Torghast that gave me the feeling it’d be something you could go have fun with when you’re killing time waiting for the raid, or just something to do when bored and not in the mood to do any serious progression.

It’s already destroyed that mindset for me. It’s needed for Progression, and its no longer fun. I don’t look forward to having to grind out repeated runs every week to get the needed mats for crafting legendaries. It will NOT be what I call fun, in any shape manner or fashion.

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PREACH! :clap:

A shoddy poor attempt to bring the souls-esk game style to WoW and attract a new crowd. I played wow for the grind, for the leveling, for the gearing up to take down a raid boss. I don’t play wow for difficulty…it’s like playing Final Fantasy for difficulty…nothing is difficult, it just requires a learning curve, but the devs are more than happy to turn down the required learning on any raid boss because over half the player base goes in with PVP stat setup.

If I get frustrated at wow, and not real life, I quit playing wow or any other media culprit for that matter. It’s simple…obviously, I will find 0 enjoyment out of what I consider a broken game. Why keep playing it?

Many on a forum post like this would say “good riddance” so there are some examples found anywhere online of game communities and by extension, their games, that have come and gone for many reasons in the time wow has been around. Because, just the fact you can’t empathize with me, and you would want to post something antagonizing in response…makes you incredibly toxic, and part of the problem. If you had no such thoughts, thank you for being awesome. If you did, but don’t comment negatively to this, and hear me out. That takes effort, thank you.

I don’t appreciate your tactics Blizz, as someone who also manages reputation…I see you. You should start telling your player base the truth so they start treating other players better before all that’s left is just the worst of the worst in a community. WoW, will die the same way about 13 others on that list died if J Allen Brack stays in charge. After BFA, now this, I don’t really care anymore. I play occasionally and don’t attempt any progress, I’m literally online so I can answer the newcomer channel and be grateful that those players will get better treatment than what I got from most of the community, hopefully. Unfortunately, your newcomer program is just straight failing. I have met a total of 5 newcomers. 3 In the world who I /waved to, and 2 on the chat who asked a question, the only question I was able to answer for them. That’s since 10/14 of this year.

World of Warcraft has spent 15 years without a system to help it’s newcomers because friends would attract friends. It should be obvious why a Newcomer program was made just this year. When you hemorrhage subs because no one thinks Torghast’s idea was “good” by any stretch of the imagination and tried telling you, then pretend like that player base doesn’t exist…this is where you end up. Making posts on your own forum topics and Twitter feeds to combat the negativity.

To the players who “like” this game, as-is: you should start treating other players better in-game, and you should start kicking the ones who don’t. Not your perception of “better”… it’s very simple on who is a “bad” player. A toxic community member.

It’s the first to call a name, the first to openly provocate either aggressively or passive-aggressively. It doesn’t matter how “mad” someone is, or how angry you think they are. Often, passion is mistaken for anger, when you invest a lot of time in a game just to watch trolls mess it up over the years, you would act the same way.

Trolling is dumb… it’s really the lowest form of disinvestment. It’s a way for someone to pretend they don’t care because they lose an argument. It gives someone an excuse to be weak but appears strong in front of their peers. So my criteria is actuallyy simple when determining my player interactions, and by extension, if I will allow myself to interact with someone.

Troll me, I vote to kick, I wouldn’t deserve it if you felt insulted by this, it’s about the closest I get to an insult because typically you wouldn’t be worth my time. I’d write as I’m writing now, factual, confrontational, making a firm statement but not being aggressive, inviting but not a weak individual. Vote to kick fails, I /ignore you. My /ignore’s fall off after a few days. If that leads to me not hearing you in a group effort and costing you valued time, kick me, I should have been paying attention and I’m already not having fun, you would just help me do something better.

Anyone messes up, no worries, wipe us as many times as you want cause I got patience, and it’s a group effort…so I just need to work harder too. This isn’t Siege, there is no way for me to “carry” anyone, loladins who think otherwise need to get nerfed into oblivion, it’s just too bad it makes up about 49% of the active characters atm (why you are not nerfing them).

In a group with me, you might have to hear me typing stuff you already know, but you should be quiet for those who might not, and lack the communication skills to recognize their pride and subdue it to learn. Many people will just be completely quiet until challenged, especially younger people who see me type in excess while in a dungeon. They are listening, but as stated, when you are young, you are invincible because your pride tells you so. So I’m grateful they listen, even if they don’t get it, and have questions, but don’t want to ask.

I have a roommate just the opposite, he would prompt me to vote to kick in the first 30 seconds if I didn’t know it was him specifically and that he was goading me deliberately.

Scream the wrong tactics in chat, I’ll tell you to use Shift+J and that you are wrong. “Here is why you are wrong”. You can decide what to do after that, usually, I just keep getting yelled at in a non-exaggerated 90% of cases or kicked, no warning, but I don’t respond unless I’m asked a question or a positive statement is made. This brings me to the last “I’m just not playing with you” rule of mine to keep myself light and in a good mood both offline and on.

Call me anything but a blue space goat…yell at me all you want, you might get 0 response. The very second you call me or another player any derogatory name, I keek, or vote to keek. I have no time for ignorance in an online community with a game I like to relax while playing, your opinion shouldn’t matter, but it does because we are more connected than 16 years ago. With that being said, you are still a stranger, and a stranger has no right judging me or anyone else. None of us has any right making assumptions about one another, and we would benefit far greater from open communication and the absence of cynicism.

That is the player base I deal with every day, the antonym to my advice…and most don’t want to admit they act just like this when they are with their friends. There is a reason, it’s because most players are very disconnected. People behave in guilds like they behave on social media…it’s sickening, cause you are supposed to be honest, not play good-boy for good-boy points all the time, and just allow your guild leader to talk bad about anyone they want to or belittle them. (tragic cases in guilds all over wow, take your pick, I am monitoring a new guild atm seems to be doing good, by “good” I just mean that there is a small sense of community about them, and the guild leader does not insult people.

Most positions of power are corrupt, just like IRL. Not a political statement, just a factual one. Look it up. You can start with Flint Michigan if you want.

Which, we come full circle, I was kicked by a guild group because I told them they had speced wrong, and that is why they were having trouble. I explained they used PVP stats for their respective characters, and reference my information obtained from Icy-veins. This happened in WoD too, it’s why I didn’t play WoD. It was a lot more frequent, Legion did a decent job at cleaning it up. I guess the toxic community was too much for development. The Activision-Blizz merger happened, I believe, as a direct result of an overly needy and multiply divided player base. World of Warcraft died a bit when that happened, because it symbolized a company giving up faiths on half of itself, with no clear indication of a cause.

Echo chambers are cancer on wow.

It’s only been a couple of months, but I have been kicked once already. It happens almost every expac the first time I neglect a “:)” in chat someone thinks they are all clear to browbeat me into virtuous submission like the holy god they are. Think hard about how your actions have consequences no matter where you go.

The servers are already shrinking, but I suppose Blizz would just tell everyone that you want more player engagement. Like they keep telling me what we are asking for. Most everyone is either playing classic or giving up. I’ll try classic when it gets to WOTLK. If it is not going to make it there, I have no interest, I would be repeating a game anyways at that point.

This has been my two cents, take it, leave it, i’m sure someone understands where I am coming from, but just in case you got lost in my wall of text (I do that, it’s just who I am). I am just a player, who doesn’t appreciate assumptive players, trolling players, niche groups of players that are stalwart to any outside advice, the achievement system because single-player or co-op games never needed to be made competitive. People viewed this as competition. I am sure they will look at my achievements, and think “well, he’s just a bad player”…

IF you do, you have expressed the very issue with this game. I’m a brilliant player when I apply myself, honestly, I tout one of the best restoration shamans to grace any group. However, that’s why no one really recognizes this :stuck_out_tongue: they’re too busy looking at a list of achievements, I never had the time IRL to complete. I have put in 40 hours on 4 characters a week this month, and it’s honestly not worth it. Anyone who spends this much time on a video game…AND PAYS FOR IT! Should consider pursuing a hobby instead. It was worth it before I felt compelled to do multiple characters, then lied to because doing multiple characters has taken the exact amount of time longer it would take in any expansion…

In fact, alts in legion were easier to level up at least. Even if all the tedious quests were still in the way.

I try every year to stay near the top but given my work hours and limited time. I am not upset about my pace. I am upset, because everyone who was at my pace last year, and the year before, has moved on, and Blizzard didn’t think it was worth telling me or anyone else really.

So, this has been another rant from me, I only visit forums to tell the truth about my opinion. Take it or leave it, but half the comments retorting this with a couple of sentences will be paid for by blizzard to a third-party franchise that specializes in providing comments or customer feedback for businesses who thrive on it. If you think that’s, “so wrong”, “there are laws against it”, ect…there are not…nothing says you can’t pay for comments and reviews, no laws protect any consumers from such practices.

You are seeing another dying gasp of the internet as we knew it. Have a good one, and if you see me, don’t be afraid to reach out. Turning off comments for this. It might light a dumpster fire I have no intention of putting out this time.

Couldn’t agree more. Every time I HAVE TO go in, I get anxiety because I know how unpleasant it is going to end up being. I am one of the oldest members to my guild which has been around for 16 years, not many of the “originals” still play so I mostly solo WoW these days. Torghast is just out and out, not fun to solo my Warrior in. If they intended on me having that “I just wasted 2 hours of my night” feeling after exhausting all my lives on a final boss, mission accomplished.

Same op i think people steer cleat outside of soul ash to max lego and shudders sould quest.